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Abstract (2. Language): 
This bibliography, 142 copies of the book on the social impact of new technologies, theses and reports, along with the compilation of the various magazines and periodicals in the form of papers and books, collected in the text contains 191 pieces. The majority of the studies mentioned in 333 publications in foreign countries, and the latter more than the year 1980 were selected.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu bibliyografya, yeni teknolojilerin sosyal etkileri konusundaki 142 adet kitap, tez ve rapor ile birlikte, muhtelif dergi ve süreli yayınlarda bulunan makale ve derleme şeklinde kitaplarda toplanmış 191 adet yazıyı içermektedir. 333 adet olan zikredilen çalışmaların büyük çoğunluğu yabancı ülkelerdeki yayınlar olup, daha çok 1980 yılından sonrakiler seçilmiştir.



Abelson, P.P.
d Hammond, A.L., "The Electronics Revolution," The Microelectronics Revolution. Ed. Forester, T., Massachusets: MIT Press, 1981, ss. 16-28.
, "Belçika'da Finansal Kesimdeki Teknolojik Evrimi Denetlemek için Sendikaların izlediği Politikalar", Banka ve Hizmet Sektöründe Yeni Teknolojinin Doğurduğu Sorunlar ve Alınması Gereken Önlemler-Problems Created by New Technology and Necessary Measures in Bank and Service Sector. BANKSlS, Istanbul : Banksis Yayınları No. 23,1987, ss. 130-146.
Adler, P. andborys, B., "Automation and Skill: Three Generations of Research on the NC Case," Politics and Society. Vol. 17, 1989, pp. 377-402.
Ahlin, J.E. and Svenson, L.J.P., "New Technology in Mechanical Engineering Industry : How Can Workers Gain Control?" Economic and Industrial Democracy. Vol. 1, No. 4, Nov. 1980, (London) ss. 487-521.
Alexander, K., "Has Progress a Future?" Futures. Vol. 15, No. 6,1983, ss. 441-454.
Allen, D.W., "We Can Influence the Future," The Changing Composition of Workforce-Implications for Future Research and Its Application. Ed. Glickman, A.S., New York: Plenum Press, 1982.
Amery, L., "Labour and New Technology," Will the Future Work? Ed. Davis, H. and Grosling, D„ Geneva : World Council of Churches, 1985, pp. 45-53.
Anderson, N.B. and Kjaer, J., "Individual and Social Implications of Data Processing and Office Automation in Service Industries", Computers at Work : A Behavoural Approach. Ed. David J. Oborne, New York: Wiley, 1985, ss. 106-119.
Applebaum, E., "Restructuring Work: Temporary, Part-time, and At-Home Employment," Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment. Ed. Hartman, H.I., Washington DC: National Research Council (NRC), 1987, ss. 268-310.
Baker, K., "The Impact of Information Technology," Ed. Anderson, N. -B. ve diğerleri. Information Technology: for Richer, for Poorer. ECSC, EEC, EAEC, New York, Oxford, Amsterdam : North Holland Publishing Co., 1982, ss. 77-80.
Balcı, Y„ "Teknoloji Toplumu ve Sendikalar," İktisat Dergisi. Sayı: 329-330, Ağustos, Eylül 1992, ss. 13-18.
i Teknolojilerin Yayılma Hazinin istihdama Etkileri," Sosyal Siyaset Konferansları. 37-38.Kitaplar, 1992, iktisat Fakültesi Yayınları No.: 536, ss. 181-188.
Bamber, G. and Lansbury, R.,
y and Technology - Labor-Management Relations and Technological Change: Some International Comparisons Between Australia and Britain", Labor Law Journal. Aug. 1983, ss. 510-529.
Bamber, G., "Microchips and Industrial Relations," Industrial Relations Journal. Vol. 11, No. 5, Nov.-Dec 1980, (London) ss. 4, 7-19.
, "The Technological Transformation of White Collar Work: A Case Study of Insurance Industry," Ed. Hartman, H.I., Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment. Washington DC: National Research Council (NRC), 1987, ss. 25-62.
, "Technological Diffusion in Industry: Research Needs and Shortcomings," The Jorunal of Industrial Economics. Vol. 29, No. 3, March 1981, London, ss. 247¬269.
Bell, D., "The Social Framework of the Information Society," The Computer Age - A Twenty Year Review. Ed. Moses, J., MA: MIT Press, 1979.
Belous, R.S., "Technological Change and Its Effects on Labor Markets", Labor Law Journal. Aug. 1986, ss. 494-508.
Blandy, A., "New Technology and Flexible Patterns of Working Time," Employment Gazette. Vol. 92, No. 10, COL 1984, (London) ss. 439-444.
Bleakley, D., "Employment and the Theology of Work," Will the Future Work? Ed. Davis, H. andGrosling, D., Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1985, pp. 73-85.
Blumenthal, S., "Programmable Automation and Worplace," IEEE Technology and Society Magazine. March 1985, ss. 10-15.
Bodhan, Richard J., "The Social Dimension of Computer-integrated Manufacturing. An Extended Comment," International Labour Review. Vol. 130, No. 3,1991, pp. 373¬392.
Brady, T. and Liff, S., "Job Losses Now Maybe Some Later," The Information Technology Revolution. Ed. Forester, T., Oxford, UK: Basil Blackweell, 1985, ss. 381¬389.
Brand, H. and Duke, J., "Productivity in Commercial Banking : Computers Spur the Advance," Monthly Labor Review. Vol. 105, No. 12, Dec. 82, Washington DC, ss. 19-27.
Braunthal, A., "Trade Union Movement Faces Automation," International Labour Review. Vol. 76, No. 6, Dec. 1957, ss. 540-557.
Brod, C: "How to Deal with TechnostressV' Office Administration and Automation.
Aug. 1984, ss. 28-30.
Briefs, U., "The Impact of Information Processing on the Working Class," Computers at Work: A BehavouraE Approach. Ed. Obome, D.J., New York: Wiley, 1985, ss. 34-70.
Burns, J., "Electronic Homebanking: Myth or Reality," Towards the Information Society. Ed. Barquin, R.C. and Mead, G.P., Amsterdam : Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., 1984, ss. 77-83.
Burton, J.F. Jr. (Ed.) "Review Symposium: What Do Unions Do? by Richard Freeman and-James L. Medoff," Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Vol. 38, No. 2 (Jan. 1985), pp. 244-263.
Campbell, B., "IT and Civil Service Culture." The Computer Revolution in Public Administration. Ed. Pitt, D. and Smith, B., Brigton : Harvester Press, 1984.
Carey, J., "McLuhan and Mumford: the Roots of Modern Media Anaysis," Journal of Communication. Vol. 31, No. 3,1981, ss. 162-178.
, "Banking on Software," Datamation. Vol. 33, No. 8, April 15,1987, ss. 83¬84.
Cauley, J. and Sandler, T., "Public Goods Theory," Futures. Vol. 6, No. 5,1974, ss. 423¬428.
Celso, A.C., "Computerized Banking in Brazil," Automation in Developing Countries. Geneva: ILO, 1972.
Cirillo, D., "Coping with Stress in the Automated Office," Management. Vol. 32, No. 3, July 1985, (Auckland) ss. 87-96.
Clark, N„ "Similarities and Differences Between Scientific and Technical Paradigms," Futures. Febr. 1987, ss. 26-42.
Cockroft, D., "New Office Technology and Employment," International Labour Review. Vol. 119, No. 6, ss. 689-704.
Coffey, M. and Dunphy, D., "Towards the Paperless Office," Work and People. Vol. 8, No. 3,1982, ss. 3-9.
Cohen, B.G.F., Human Aspects in Office Automation. Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1984.
Collste, G., "Towards a Normative Work Ethic," Will the Future Work? Ed. Davis, H. and Grosling, D., Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1985, pp. 94-102.
Cooper, T., "McLuhan and mnes: the Canadian Theme of Bondless Exploration," Journal of Communication. Vol. 31, No. 3,1981, ss. 153-161.
Cott, H.P.V., "High Technologies and Human Needs," Ergonomics. Vol. 28, No. 8,1985, ss. 1135-1142.
Cressey, P., "Work Ideologies," Will the Future Work? Ed. Davis, H. and Grosling, D., Geneva : World Council of Churches, 1985, pp. 86-93.
Deery, S., "New Technology, Union Rights and Management Prerogatives: The Australian Experience," Labour and Society. Vol. 11, No. 1, 1986, ss. 67-81.
Dereli, T., "Sosyo-Psikolojik Açıdan Endüstriyel ilişkiler Sistemimizin Genel Değerlendirilmesi ve Diğer Ülkelerdeki Yeni Yaklaşımlar," Görüşler: Kamu ve Özel Kesim işletmelerinde Yönetimin Beşeri Yönü ve Endüstriyel İlişkiler Sistemi. İstanbul : ORHÎM, Yay. No: 2, 1986, ss. 35-83.
Deutsch, S.E.,
n of and Attitudes Toward Automation: A Study of Local Union Leaders," Labor Law Journal. July 1967, ss. 396-405.
Dickson, D., "Technology and Cycles of Boom or Bust" Science. Vol. 219,1983, ss. 933¬936.
Donahue, T.R., "Technology : Using It Wisely," AFL-CIO American FederationisL Sept. 1979, ss. 5-8.
Dosi, G., "Sources, Procedures and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation," Journal of Economic Literature. Vol. 16, Sept. 1988, Nashville, TN, ss. 1120-1171.
Dunford, R., "Information Technology at Work: What, How and Why," Work and People. Vol. 12, No. 1, 1986, ss. 30-31.
Dunphy, D.C., "Technological Change and Its Impact on Industrial Democracy," Work And People. Vol. 11, No. 2,1985, (Canberra) ss. 17-20.
Earl, M.J., "Industrial Relations Applications - What Micros Mean for Managers," The Microelectronics Revolution: the Complete Guide to the New Technology and its Impact on Society. Ed. Forester, T., Cambridge, Massachusets : MIT Press, 1981, ss. 356-413.
Einstein, M.M. and Franklin, J.C., "Computer Manufacturing Enters A New Era of Growth," Monthly Lahor Review. Vol. 109, No. 9, Sept. 1986, (Washington DC) ss. 9-16.
Ekonomi, M., "Yeni Teknolojinin İş Hukukuna Etkileri," Yeni Teknolojilerin tş Hukukuna Etkileri Semineri. İstanbul: BASISEN (Düzenleyen), 12-13 Kasım İ987.
Teknolojik ve Ekonomik Gelişmeler Karşısında Iş Hukukunda Yeni Yaklaşımlar," Görüşler : Kamu ve Özel Kesim İşletmelerinde Yönetimin Beşeri Yönü ve Endüstriyel İlişkiler sistemi, istanbul: ORHlM, Yay. No. 2, 1986, ss. 171-198.
Epstein, E., "Negotiating Over Technological Change in Banking and Insurance," International Labour Review. Vol. 123, No. 4 July-August 1984, ss. 405-422.
Evin, V., "Türk İşverenleri Açısından Yeni Teknolojinin Iş Hukukuna Etkileri," Yeni Teknolojilerin îş Hukukuna Etkileri Semineri, istanbul: BASÎSEN (Düzenleyen), 12-13 Kasım 1987.
Eyrcnci, Ö., "Bankalarda Bilgisayar Kullanılmasının tş ilişkilerine Etkisi," Banka ve Hizmet Sektöründe Yeni Teknolojinin Doğurduğu Sorunlar ve Alınması Gereken Önlemler-Problems Created by New Technology and Necessary Measures in Bank and Service Sector. BANKSİS, Istanbul: Banksis Yayınları No. 23, 1987, ss. 147-162.
Feketekuty, G. Aronson, J.D., "Meeting the Challenges of the World Information Economy," World Economy. Vol. 7, No. 1, March 1984, (Oxford) ss. 63-86.
Feldbcrg, R.L. and Glccn, E.N., "Incipent Workplace Democracy Among United States Clerical Workers," Economic and Industrial Democracy. Vol. No: 1, Fcbr. 1983, (London) ss. 47-67.
Fick, G., "Report of Working Group: The Challenge of Low Cost Computersat the Organisation," Human Choice and Computers, 2 : Proceedings of the Second IFIP Conference on Human Choice and Computers, : Proceedings of the Second rFIP Conference on Human Choice and Computers. IFIP. Baden, Amsterdam, New York, London: N. Holland Public Co., 1980, ss. 17-19.
Fijalestad, J., "Participation in Technological Change," Computers at Work: A Behavou-ral Approach. Ed. Obornc, D.J., New York : Wiley, 1985, ss. 120-132.
—, "Introduction" of Computerization of Working Life. Ed. Fossum, E., Chicester: Ellis Harwood, 1983.
Flax, S., "Did GM Give Away the Store?" Fortune. 15 Oct. 1984, (Chicago) ss. 153-155.
Foulkes, F.K. and Hirsch, J.L., "Management and Labor: the Organisation of Work Robots at Work," The Information Technology Revolution. Ed. Forester, T., Oxford, UK: Basil Blackweell, 1985, ss. 468-479.
Freeman, C, "Unemployment and Government," The Microelectronics Revolution: the Complete Guide to the New Technology and its Impact on Society. Ed. Forester, T., Cambridge, Massachusets: MIT Press, 1981, ss. 308-333.
Fujino, M., "Response of Labor Unions to Technological Progress," Japan Labor Bulletin. Vol. 27, No. 7,1 July 1982, (Tokyo) ss. 5-8.
Gerard, G., "Managing Technological Change: Industrial Relations in the Banking and Insurance Industries," The Journal of Industrial Relations. (Berkeley) March 1982, ss. 53-68.
Ginzberg, E., "Technology, Women and Work: Policy Perspectives," Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment. Ed. Hartman, H.L, Washington DC: National Research Council (NRC), 1987, ss. 3-22.
—, vd., Technology and Employment: Concepts andClarifications. Boulder, Colarado: Wcstview Press, 1986.
Glasmicr, A.K., "High-Tech Industries and the Regional Division of Labor," Industrial Relations. Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring 1986, ss. 197-210.
Glickman, A.S. and Hall, G., "Unionization and Productivity İn Commercial Banking," Journal of Labor Relations. Vol. 6, No. 3, Summer 1985, ss. 249-262.
Godel, M„ "Crisis and Opportunity - From Technological to Sociological Change," Futures. Vol. 15, No. 4,1983, ss. 251-263.
Goldin, C, "Women's Employment and Technological Change : A Historical Perspective," Computer Chips and Paper Clips : Washington DC : National Research Council (NRC), 1987, ss. 185-222.
Gough, R. and Stiller, L., "Technology, Control, Information and Work Organisation: What are the Options?" Work and People. Vol. 9, No. 2,1983, ss. 9-13.
Gönenli, A., "Otomasyona Geçişle işletmelerin Yapması Gereken Ekonomik Analizler ve Uzun Dönemli işletme Politikaları ihtiyacı," Türkiye'de Otomasyona Geçişin ve Bilgisayar Kullanımının Sorunları ve Alınması Gerekli Tedbirler. ORHlM Seminerleri Serisi: Görüşler, istanbul: ORHlM, Yayın No. 4,1987, ss. 75-93.
Griesemer, J.R., "Microcomputers and Local Government: New Economics and New Opportunities," Public Administration Review. Jan.-Febr., 1984, pp. 57-63.
Haddow, M„ "White-Collar Trade Unions and New Office Technology," Employee Relati¬ons. Vol. 7, No. 5, 1985, (Bradford) ss. 29-31.
Hall, L. and Torrington, D., "Why Not Use The Computer? The Use and Lack of Use of Computers in Personnel," Personnel Review. Vol. 15, No. 1,1986, ss. 3-7.
Hallblade, S. and Walter, M.M., "Computers and Society: Today and Tomorrow," Monster or Messiah? The Computer's Impact on Society. Ed. Walter, M.M., USA: University of Missisipi, 1980, ss. 25-36.
Handy, C, "Changing Shape of Work," Organizational Dynamics. Vol. 9, No. 2, Autumn 1980, (New York) ss. 26-34.
Harvey, D., "Technology at Work," Director. Vol. 39, No. 11, June 1986, (UK) ss. 15-18.
Hewlett, N., "New Technology and Banking Employment in the EEC," Futures. Febr. 1985, Guildfor, ss. 34-43.
, "Japanese System of Production, is it Exportable?" Entrepreneurship. Vol. 3, June 1982, (Tokyo), ss. 17-24.
Hill, J.D. vd., "Industrial Attitudes of Australian Private Bank Employees," The Jorunal of Industrial Relations. (Berkeley) Sept. 1985, ss. 313-317.
Howard, R., "High Technology and Recnchantment of the Work Place," National Productivity Review. Vol. 3, No. 3, Summer 1984, (New York) ss. 255-264.
Hubbartt, W.S., "Job Descriptions: An Important Aid To Office Administration," Office Administration and Automation. Vol XLVI, No. 2, Febr 1985, ss. 49-51.
Hull, F.M. vd., "Effect of Technology in Alienation From Work," Work and Occupations. Vol. 9, No. 1, Febr. 1982, (Albany) ss. 31-57.
Hunt, H.A. and Hunt, T.L., "Recent Trends in Clerical Employment: The Impact of Technological Change," Computer Chips and Paper Clips: Technology and Women's Employment. Ed. Hartman, H.I., Washington DC: National Research Council (NRC), 1987, ss. 223-267.
ILO, "Impact of IT on Employment, Working Conditions and Industrial Relations," World Labor Report. Geneva : ILO- 1984, ss. 175-193.
Industrial Relations Services, "United Kingdom : New Technology Agreements" European Industrial Relations Review. No. 102, July 1982, (London) ss. 25-27.
—, "Norway: New Technology and Dala Protection," European Industrial Relations Review. No. 106, Nov. 1982, ss. 12-14.
—, "Belgium: New Technology Agreement," European Industrial Relations Review. No. 121, Feb. 1984, ss. 17-19.
Jaroslav, J., "Flexible Machining Systems in the Czhechoslovak Engineering Industry," New Technologies and Work Capitalist and Socialist Perspectives. Ed. Francis, A. and Grootings, P., London, New York : Routledge, 1989, ss. 35-60.
Jein, H.C., "Micro-electronics Technology and Industrial Relations," Relations Industrial-les. Vol. 38, No. 4, 1983, (Quebec) ss. 869-879.
Jenkin, P., "Employment: the Quantity of Work - Automation is Good for Us," The Information Technology Revolution. Ed. Forester. T., Oxford, UK: Basil Blackweet, 1985, ss. 377-380.
Jones, M., "Strategies for Insuring Safely with Industrial Robot Systems," Omega. Vol. 14, No. 4,1986, (Oxford) ss. 287-297.
Jordan, M., "Humanism in a Technological Age," Personnel. March 3985, ss. 12-15.
Kaftanoğlu, B., "Türkiye'de Otomasyona ve Bilgisayar Kullanımına Geçişin Teknik Yönden Değerlendirilmesi ve Gerekli Alt Yapının Düzenlenmesi," Türkije'de Otomasyona Geçişin ve Bilgisayar Kullanımının Sorunları ve Alınması («erekli Tedbirler. ORHlM Seminerleri Serisi: Görüşler, istanbul: ORHlM, Yayın no. 4, 1987, ss. 114-131.
Kalimo, R. and Lcppancn,
, "Feedback from Video Display Terminals, Performance Control and Stress in Text Preparation in the Printing Industry," Journal of Occupational Psychology. Vol. 58, No. 1, 1985, (Leicester) ss. 27-38.
Keefe, J.H., "Do Unions Influence The Diffusion of Technology." Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Vol. 44, No. 2, Jan. 1991, pp. 261-274.
King, A., "For Better and for Worse: the Benefits and Risks of Information Technology," Information Society: for Richer, for Poorer. Ed. Anderson, N. -B. vd., New York, Oxford, Amsterdam: North Holland Publishing, 1982, ss. 35-36.
Kocan, T.
z H. and McKetzie, R., "The Effects of Corporate Strategy and Workplace Innovations on Union Representation," Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Vol. 39, No. 4, 1986, pp. 487-501.
Kogane, Y., "Technological Revolution and Social Trends in Japan - From Manufacturing-driven Growth to Service-driven Growth," Futures. Febr. 1987, ss. 88-93.
Kozlowski, S., "Technological Innovation and Strategic HRM: Facing the Challenge of Change," Human Resource Planning. Vol. 10, No. 2,1987, ss. 69-79.
Kraemer, K.L. and Danziger, J.N., "Computers and Control in the Work Environment," Public Administration Review. Vol. 44, No. 1, Jan. -Febr. 1984, ss. 32-42.
Kraft, P. and Dubnoff, S., "Job Content, Fragmentation, and Control in Computer Software Work," Industrial Relations. Vol. 25, No. 2, Spring 1986, ss. 184-496.
Kroll, F.J., "Technology: Bargaining a Fair Share," AFL-CIO American Federation ist.
Sept 1979, ss. 8-10.
Kubicck, H., "Information Technology and Skills: Problems in Research and Politics," Computers at Work : A Behavoural Approach. Ed. Oborne, D.J., New York: Wiley, 1985, ss. 71-93.
Kuhns, D.E., "The Selling and the Reality for Labor Relations in the 90's," The Changing Composition of Workforce-Implications for Future Research and Its Application. Ed. Glickman, A.S., New York: Plenum Press, 1982, ss. 125-134.
Kul'bovskaia, N., "The Social and Economic Effect of New Technology," Problems of Economics. Febr. 1984, ss. 68-83.
KurtbÖkc, O., "Basında Otomasyon," Banka ve Hizmet Sektöründe Yeni Teknolojinin Doğurduğu Sorunlar ve Alınması Gereken Önlemler-Problems Created by New Technology and Necessary Measures in Bank and Service Sector. BANK-SÎS, Istanbul: BANKS IS Yayınları No. 23, 1987, ss. 183-192.
Kutal, G.,
ı Boyudarıyla Türkiye'de Kısmî Süreli Çalışma ve Geleceği," Hukuki Esasları ve Sosyo Ekonomik Yönleriyle Kısmi Çalışma. Ankara : T.C. Başbakanlık Aile Araştırma Kurumu, Yayın No: 23,1991, ss. 99-103.
, "Elektronik Bankacılığın Gelişmesi Bunun îş Hayatı ve Sağlık Üzerindeki Etkileri," Banka ve Hizmet Sektöründe Yeni Teknolojinin Doğurduğu Sorunlar ve Alınması Gereken Önlemler-Problems Created by New Technology and Necessary Measures in Bank and Service Sector. BANK3IS, Istanbul: BANKSİS Yayınları No. 23, 1987, ss. 32-51.
Laborde, J.M., "Expert Systems for Nursing?" Computers in Nursing. Vol. 2, No. 4, ss. 130-135.
Langenbucher, W.R., "Means of Communication of the Social Security Institutions İn the 1990's with Specal Reference to the Videotex Process," International Social Security Review. Vol. 38, No. 3,1985, ss. 273-286.
Lemeshev, M., "Scientific-Technical Progress and Nature," Problems of Economics, July 1985, ss. 18-31.
Leuenberger, T., "Global Trends in Employment," Will the Future Work? Ed. Davis, H. and Grosling, D., Geneva: World Council of Churches, 1985, pp. 3-16.
Levitan, S.A. and Johnson, CM., "The Future of Work : Does It Belong to Us or to the Robots?" Monthly Labor Review. Sept. 1982, ss. 10-14.
Liberatore, M J. and G.J. Titus, "The Use of Computer Controlled Tools by Small Machine Shops," Journal of Small Business Management Jan. 1986, pp. 55-62.
Linsemayer, T., "ILO Examines Impact of Technology on Worker Safety and Health," Monthly Labor Review. Vol. 108, No. 8, Aug. 1985, ss. 46-47.
, vd., "Trade Unions and Technological Change in the UK Mechanical Engineering Industry," British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol. 23,1987, pp. 19-29.
Luczak, H.I.,
a Ekran Önünde Çalışmanın Ergonomik ve Sağlık Sorunları," Banka ve Hizmet Sektöründe Yeni Teknolojinin Doğurduğu Sorunlar ve Alınması Gereken Önlemler-Problems Created by New Tehnoigy and Necessary Measures in Bank and Service Sector. BANKSÎS, Isianbul: BANKSÎS Yayınları No. 23,1987, ss. 52-85.
Luc, S. and Turner, R., "Technology Diffusion and the Rate of Technological Change," The Economic Jorunal. No. 94, Sept. 1984, Gr. Br. ss. 612-623.
Macintosh, M., "Technological Change at Advertiser Newspaper Limited," Work and People. Vol. 10, No. 3, 1984, ss. 29-37.
Mahon, R., "From Fordism to? : New Technology, Labour Markets and Unions," Economic and Industrial Democracy. (SAGE, London) Vol. 8, 1987, ss. 5-60,
Manderville, T., "The Spatial Effects of Information Technology," Futures. Vol. 15, No. 1, 1983, ss. 65-72.
Markey, R., "A Comparison of Trade Union Responses to Technological Change in Britain and Australia," Work and People. Vol. 10, No. 2,1984, ss. 29-37.
Marsh, R.M. and Mannari, H., "Japanese Workers' Responses to Mechanization and Automation," Human Organization. Vol. 32, No. 1, Spring 1973, ss. 85-93.
Marti, J. and Zeilingcr, A., "New Technology in Banking and Shopping," The Information Technology Revolution. Ed. Forester, T., Oxford, UK: Basil Blackweel, 1985, ss. 350-358.
Marx, L., "Does Improved Technology Mean Progress? Technology Review. Vol. 90, No. l,ss. 31-41.
Maynes, J.P., "Technology and Collective Bargaining - A Union View," Work and People. Vol. 8, No. 3,1982.
McLeod, R. vd., "A Framework for Office Automation," Management Information Systems Quarterly. Vol. 11, No. I, March 1987, ss. 87-104.
Mead, M., "The Effects of Technology - A Guide to the Literature," Work and People. Vol. 9, No. 3, 1983, ss. 20-28.
Michelson, D.W., "Beware of GAPs in Collective Bargaining," Personnel. Vol. 62, No. 4, April 1985, ss. 73-76.
Miller, J. and Doyle. B.A., "Measuring the Effectiveness of Computer-based Information Systems in the Financial Services Sector," Management Information Systems Quarterly. Vol. 11, No. l,ss. 107-117.
Mischel, L., "Unions, Monopolies, and the Marshalian Rules: An Institutional Appraisal," Advances in Industrial and Labor Relations. Ed. Lipsky, D. and D. Lewin, Greenwich, Conn.: JAI Press, 1985.
Negrotti, M., "Cultural Dynamics in the Diffusion of Informatics," Futures. Vol. 16, No. 1, Febr. 1984, ss. 38-46.
Nilsson, J., "The Social Perspective in Social Development," Futures. Vol. 15. No. 2,1983, ss. 126-136.
Noguchi, T., "High Technology and Industrial Strategies in Japan," Labour and Society. Vol. 8, No. 4, Oct.-Dec. 1983, ss. 383-392.
Nuki, T., "The Effect of Micro-electronics on the Japanese Style of Management," Labour and Society. Vol. 8, No. 4, Oct.-Dec. 1983, ss. 393-400.
O'Higgens, M., "Computerising the Social Security System," The Computer Revolution in Public Administration. Ed. Pitt D. and Smith, B., Brighton: Harvester Press, 1984.
Ofner, F., "Computerizaton and Education," Computers at Work: A Behavoural Approach. Ed. Obome, D.J„ New York: Wiley, 1985, ss. 132-158.
Okafar, A.N., "White-Collar Unionization," Personnel. Vol. 62, No. 8, Aug. 1985, ss. 17¬27.
Otway, H. and Ravetz, J., "On the Regulation of Technology-Examining the Linear Model," Futures. Vol. 16, No. 3, June 1984, ss. 217-232.
Osterman, P., "The Impact of Computers on the Employment of Clerks and Managers," Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Vol. 39, No. 2 Jan. 1986, (Ithaca) ss. 175¬183.
Pappas, 1., "A Graceful or Break Our Necks," The Changing Job Market, How İs it Affected by Technology, Education, and Society, Ed. Cooper, R.M., The M.L. Seid-man Memorial Town Hail Lecture Series, Memphis, Tennessee: Rhodes College, 1984, ss. 1-12.
Pearce, B., "VDUs- Will The Screen Take the Strain?" Personnel Management. Vol. 18, No. 7, (UK) July 1986, ss. 42-44.
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