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Tite Relationship Between Tîte Press and Politic Affairs From Ottoman Em to Present

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Printing house is the most impor! invention among the others from the poinl of view of hislory of human-being. In Ottoman Empire establishing of printing house took a very long time and for that reason journalism started lale ecmparing the examples in the West. Not only in Ottoman Empire bul also in Turkish Republic politic affairs have had a great effect on journalists and the press. Beginning from Ottoman era, governments have tried to control the press by helping of legal frame. Afin I9&0s nca-iiberal economy policy has begun la apply in Turkey and that affected greatly the media sector inevitably. In 1980s there has been a trend all over the world, especially in Western countries towards the neo-liberai policies, both in economical and social affairs. That development also has a great effect On the media in Turkey and that has also affected the media from the point of view of economical and administrative aspects.



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