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The Evaluation of O.T. Event That Occured in Erzurum According to Communication Law and Ethics

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Moral literally means to compare, to evaluate and to ordain. Moral is in generally being used in terms of goodness and perceived as having nice relationship with people and getting along pretty well. Ethic is a discipline that deal with what is good and what is bad about moral and customary dustings. Ethic, in more general meaning, İs moral philosophy. From these expressions, it is understood that ethic is scientific area to search the reasons of moral rights and wrongs. Ethic is interested in the subjects related to human activities that are valuable and valueless with respect to moral values. From another aspect, ethic is a factor that establishes social harmony, constitute ivritten and no written rules, and provide searching and understanding desirable life. In more general meaning, it is to determine what can be done, what can be owned and what can be asked so that all activities and-aims are placed correctly. When it is considered in this respect there is no area xohere ethic and moral are not related to. Every job has a role in the society. Jobs are legitimate as long as they are useful for the society. Individuals and society have the right to defend themselves when they are hurt and the limits are exceeded. Those who work in media are not exempted. In this respect, news and articles taken place in Media must be accurate as well as they should not exceed the aim in term of criticism and humor. One of the objectives of the media ethic is to what over these rights of the society. But, freedom of the press should also be maintained, censorship should not be in force, in the case analyzed in this study, the limits were exceeded by state institutions and the press as well. There fore it is determined that the rights of the suspect were violated.



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