Journal Name:
- Cerrahpaşa Tıp Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Despite recent improvements in the diagnostic accuracy and techniques for early gastric
carcinoma, some patients die of a recurrence, even after resection of an early gastric cancer, (EGC). It has been
suggested that patients with T2. No carcinoma of the stomach has a comparable survival rate to patients with T1
carcinoma of the stomach.
Study design.- Clinicopathologic features and survival rates of 50 patients with Tis/T1/T2 adenocarcinoma of
stomach treated between 1989 to 1993 were reviewed. Prognostic significance of the clinicopathologic features in
gastric carcinoma with invasion confined to the stomach wall was studied using both a univariate and a
multivariate analysis.
Results.- Excluding deaths from causes other than recurrence, five-year survival rate for patients with Tis/T1
carcinoma of stomach was 100 percent. Five-year survival rate for patients with T2 carcinoma of the stomach
was 68.8 percent.
Conclusions.- In patients with gastric carcinoma with invasion confined to the stomach wall, most important
prognostic factor was lymph node invasion.
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Abstract (Original Language):
1989-1993 yılları arasında, İstanbul Üniversitesi,
Cerrahpaşa Tıp Fakültesi, Genel Cerrahi
Anabilim Dalında, primer mide adenokarsinomu
sebebiyle rezeksiyon uygulanan 278 hastadan
50sinde serozal invazyon bulunmadığını
yani Tis/T1 ve T2 evrelerinde bulundukları tespit
edildi. Bu retrospektif araştırmada, hatsalar
ın en erken 5,5 sene, en geç 8 senelik uzun evreli
takip sonuçları öğrenildi; ancak 2 hastaya
En az, geniş lokal eksizyon (3 olguda), çoğunlukla
Distal Gastrektomi (28 olguda) uygulanan
hastalarda Tis/T1 olgularında 5 yıllık sürvi
%100 iken , T2 tümörlü olgularda 5 yıllık
sürvi %68,8dir. Nüks sebebiyle 5 yıl yaşayamayan
T2 evresindeki tümörlü olgularda, lenf
nodülü metastazı %91,6 iken, %8,3de lenf nod
ülü metastazı bulunmadığı tespit edilmiştir.
Sonuç olarak serozal invazyon yapmamış, primer
mide karsinomu olgularında, küratif rezeksiyon
sonrası sürviyi etkileyen başlıca faktörün
metastatik lenf nodüllerinin mevcudiyeti olduğu
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