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Myxopapllary epandimoma and pregnancy

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The cauda equina is the most frequent location for epandymomas, particularly the myxopapillary variant, which generally arises from the filum terminale. Delays in arriving at the proper diagnosis have been the rule. This condition has been improved after the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We describe the clinical findings and MR imaging of a case of myxopapllary epandimoma arising in the filum terminale of a pregnant woman. She become symptomatic during after first pregnancy. She was operated after the second preagnancy. The possible mechanisnms by which they may become symptomatic during pregnancy are reviewed.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Özellikle filum terminale kaynaklı miksopapiller varyant olmak üzere, kauda equina bölgesi epandimomlar için en sık lokalizasyondur. Magnetik rezonansa rağmen tanıda gecikme kuraldır. İlk gebelik sonrası semptomatik olan, ikinci gebeliğini takiben opere edilen filum terminale kaynaklı bir miksopapiller epandimom vakası sunulmaktadır. Gebeliğin tumor semptomatolojisi üzerine olan muhtemel etkisi vaka ile birlikte değerlend r ld



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