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Toprak mantarları Çeşitlilik taze ve depolanmış Olive Mill Atıksu maruz

Diversity of soil fungi exposed to fresh and stored Olive Mill Wastewater

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Olive Mill Wastewater (OMW) management is one of the most challenging environmental problems in Mediterranean countries. Its recycling in soil is an alternative of valorization mean of interest. The effect of OMW on growth of soil fungi, a principal element of biodegradability in soil, was investigated in this study. In a field trial, OMW application to soil at 8 l/m2 and 16 l/m2 caused an increase in abundances of soil fungi during the 6 months following the spreading. In a microcosm essay, growth of soil fungi was better in fresh OMW than in stored OMW becoming after storage more antimicrobial and phytotoxic. In fresh OMW sterilized then inoculated by soil microflora, survivors of soil fungi were constituted mainly by yeasts which showed an increase of abundances from 5.09 104 CFU/ml to 5.02 108 CFU/ml after 15 days of incubation at 20°C. In stored sterilized then inoculated OMW, yeasts showed a fast reduction then a survival at low levels. Soil moulds were a sensitize group to OMW even fresh or stored. This group presented a fast reduction of abundances then disappearance. It could be concluded that OMW spreading in high amounts would conflict soil fungi's homeostasis and that spreading of OMW which was stored for a prolonged period should be avoided.



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