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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this investigation, different sized defects were produced for 273 aiveol periapicals in 4 maxilla and 4 mandibula of dried human skulls. Before the defects were produced and at each stage of the production of these defects standard radiographs were taken from jaws by using parallel technique. For the comparison of observer performance in the assessment of periapical defect from periapical radiographyf three practitioner dentists, three oral radiologists, three endodontists and three oral surgeons evaluated the images on the radiographs as 1} There is lesion, 2) There may be lesion, 3) There isn't lesion, 4) It can not be detected. It was observed that before the defects produced the highest diagnostic accuracy for assessment of the radiographs was obtained in the endodontist group (% 60,78). When the little defects (diameter of 1 mm.) were produced, the highest diagnostic accuracy was found to be % 4S.03 in the practitioner dentist group. However, the highest diagnostic accuracy was observed in the radiologist group as : 61.76 and : 83,32 for the evaluation of middle (diameter of 1.5 mm.)and large (diameter of 2.5 mm.) defects, respectively. Besides, as the size of the defect is increased, percentage of the diagnostic accuracy for assessment of the radiographs is also increased.
Abstract (Original Language): 
BEI araştırmada, kuru insan kafalarından 4 maksilla ve 4 mandibuladaki 273 alveolün periapikalinde farklı boyutlarda defekt yapılmıştır. Defekt oluşturulmadan ve defektin her safhasında çenelerden paralel teknikle standart radyograflar alındı, Periapikal radyograflardaki periapikal defektlerin incelenmesinde gözlemci performansını karşılaştırmak için, üç pratisyen dişhekimi, üç radyolog, üç endodontisE ve Uç cerrah radyograftaki görüntüleri 1) Lezyon var. 2) Lezyon olabilir, 3) Lezyon yok, 4) Okunamıyor şeklinde değerlendirdiler. Radyografi arın incelenmesinde defekt oluşturulmadan tince en yüksek doğru okumayt endodontist grubunun (% 6078) yaptığı gözlendi. Küçük defekt ( 1 mm, çapında) oluşturulduğunda, en yüksek okuma pratisyen dishekiminde % 48.03 olarak bulundu. Bununla birlikte orta (1.5 mm. çapında) ve büyük (25 mm. çapında) defektlerin değerlendirilmesinde (sırası ile % 61.76 ve % 8332) radyolog grubunun en yüksek doğru okumayı sağladığı görüldü. Aynca defektin büyüklüğü arttıkça radyograflardaki görüntülerin doğru okunma yüzdeleri de artmaktadır



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