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One of the most negative site effects of open-cast mining in Germany is the large area of post coal mining tailings dumps which have to be reclaimed and restored to an acceptable condition. This study was carried out to evaluate the effect of different application rates of wood vermicompost on soil physiochemical properties and on some growth parameters of a RSM grass in tertiary sand substrates. The experiment was carried using plastic pots in a greenhouse for a period of 42 days. Soil samples were collected from different localities at depth (0-30 cm) and then mixed well to make a representative sample of the site. The representative soil sample was mixed in completely randomize design with the wood vermicompost at mixing ratios of 0.0, 3.0, 12.5 and 25.0 % (based on weight) and then sown with RSM grass seeds. At the end of experiment the data showed that physical properties such as water holding capacity, bulk density and total porosity in soil ameliorated with vermicompost were improved. Most soil chemical properties were increased significantly with the increase of vermicompost application rates particularly soil reaction, electrical conductivity, organic matter content, total nitrogen, total carbon, total sulphur, soil buffering capacity and soil available elements content (except Fe). The soils treated with vermicompost had significantly more potential and effective cation exchange capacity and base saturation percentage in comparison to unameliorated soil. On the contrary, total exchangeable acidity was decreased with the increase of vermicompost rates. Compared with the control treatment, the treated soil with vermicompost had significant increase in grass biomass (fresh and dry matter yield) as well as enhancing plant uptake of macro-micro-nutrients. The results of this experiment revealed that addition of wood vermicompost had significant positive effects on the soil physical and chemical properties, which affected the response of plant.



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