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Genetic Variability and Correlation Studies in Brassica Napus L. Genotypes

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This research work was carried out at The University of Agriculture, Peshawar during crop season year 2011-12. The objectives were to study the genetic variability and correlation among different traits in Brassica napus L. Data were recorded on agronomic and quality traits. The breeding material comprised 8 genotypes of Brassica napus L. These genotypes were evaluated in replicated trial in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications. Results revealed highly significant differences among the genotypes for most of the traits. Non-significant differences were, however, observed among the genotypes for primary branches plant-1 and pods plant-1. Genotype 1 was found superior for most of the traits i.e maximum oleic acid content etc. Correlation analysis presented highly significant positive phenotypic correlation of plant height with pods main raceme-1 and pod length seed yield exhibited significant positive phenotypic correlation with pods plant-1, protein content and moisture content. Similarly significant negative phenotypic correlation of oleic acid content with oil and erucic acid content was also observed. From the results it can be concluded that Genotype 2 can be used for developing superior genotypes for seed yield, seed pod-1 and protein content while Genotype 7 can be used for yielding high oil content. The significant and positive correlation of seed yield plant-1 with pods plant-1 and protein content was important in making indirect selection for seed yield.



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