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Application of a Novel Hybrid Controller in Load Frequency Control

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This paper presents a new approach to study load frequency control (LFC) problem using a hybrid fuzzy-PID controller. The PID-type fuzzy controller is combined with a conventional PID controller to enhance the performance and robustness of the controller. The proposed control scheme has been designed for a two-area connected power system. Two performance criteria were utilized for the comparison. First, settling time and overshoot of the frequency deviation were compared. Later, the absolute error integral (IAE) analysis was carried out to compare all the controllers. All the models were simulated by MATLAB 7.0 Simulink software. The simulation results show that the proposed controller developed in this study performs better than the other controllers. Robustness of proposed controller is evaluated by analyzing the system response with varying system parameters.



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Journal of Control Engineering and Technology (JCET)
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