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Jüdische turnbewegung – Jewish German gymnastic system in Turkey until 1918

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The Jewish gymnastic system – „Jüdische Turnbewegung“ - presents one of the smaller gymnastic movements that emerged in Central Europe at the turn of the 19th and 20th century. At first it was backed by the Zionist political activity and arising self-consciousness of the Jewish population in the German speaking parts of Europe. However, with a club in İstanbul being the first only Jewish „turnverein“ ever, the movement had found its supporters also in the eastern regions of Europe and in the Middle East. Before the WWI the Jewish gymnastic club („Maccabi“) in İstanbul had become one of the leading units on the Turkish clubs´ scene involving more than 1000 members and practising many kinds of activities varying from gymnastic shows, lectures on Jewish themes and public parades and trips. This organization proved itself to be a very importent „bi-trigger“ in the unifying Jewish independent movement that won on importance even more after 1918.



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