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Periodic epidemics of malaria occur every five to seven years in West Bengal. According to IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on climate change), the vector borne diseases will be increased day by day due to global climate change. Ambient temperature, relative humidity, rainfall and wind speed are the major influencing factors of the dynamics of vector borne diseases. The breeding activity of Anopheles mosquitoes in association with meteorological parameters may be considered as one of the major environmental causes of malaria transmission. Our study addresses the malaria transmission probability in an urban and rural site of West Bengal. Kolkata (22.570N, 88.370E) and Digha (22.380N, 87.320E) are selected as an urban and a rural site in this study. Meteorological Parameters for the period 1997 to 2007 of these sites are analyzed to find the probability of malaria transmission windows throughout the year along with the malaria incidences. It is observed that broad transmission window (Temp: 160 -400C, RH: 55% - 80%) extends eight months in a year. The two sites have equal probability of transmission but malaria incidences in Digha are too small. Hence other environmental parameters such as slum area, drainage, population density, agricultural practices and health services are to be considered for monitoring malaria transmission.



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