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Heinrich v. Kleists Enträtselung der Person am Beispiel der Exposition seines Dramas Prinz Friedrich von Homburg

Heinrich von Kleist’s Solving of the Person on Exemple of his Drama Prinz Friedrich von Homburg

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Kleist’s exposition of his drama Prinz Friedrich von Homburg serves as an example to illustrate the changing perception from an interpersonal to a spatial-atmospheric perception at the beginning of the 19th century when coincidence suddenly began to relativize everything. As a means against this relativization, which in the Homburg appears as an unsolvable riddle of a character, Kleist calls up the whole magic of the unity of thought and emotion and the inoffensiveness of the immediate. The analytical confinement to the exposition of Kleist’s drama is due to the fact that in the exposition of a drama the author’s intention is revealed to its fullest, thus making the exposition the hardest part of work for an author.



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