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Ataerkil Kültürel ve Toplumsal Düzende Kadın İmgesinin Temsili: Dışlanmış Kadın

Representation of Woman’s Image within Patriarchial Cultural and Social Order: The Excluded Woman

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Abstract (2. Language): 
This study focuses on the problematization of the woman’s image within the male dominant social order and the social, cultural, ideological representations of women in a masculine text in the novel The Excluded Woman by Luigi Pirandello, a major representative of the modernist novel in Italian literature. As the first prosaic probe of the author, the novel is studied within the concepts of sex, gender, the institution of marriage, the woman’s fight for liberation and gender politics in line with the interdisciplinary approach of the feminist literary criticism. While tracing within the text the representation of woman’s image functioning relevantly to the patriarchal cultural and social discourse, it is claimed that the contradictions in the production of man’s image as a power mechanism should be brought up for discussion.



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