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Alt Çene Üç implant Destekli Protezler, Kantilever Varlığının İmplantlar Üzerine Gelen Stres Dağılımına Etkisi
40. Meijer H.J.A., Starmans F.J.M., Steen W.H.A., Bosman F. Loading conditions of endosseous implants in an edentulous human mandible: A three-dimensional, finite-element study . J Oral Rehabil 1996; 23: 757-763.
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42. Akça K, İplikçioglu H. Finite element stress analysis of the effect of short implant usage in place of cantilever extensions in mandibular posterior edentulism J Oral Rehabil 2002; 29: 350-356.
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