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Abstract (2. Language): 
In the present study the antioxidant effect of oral administration of purified protein from ethanolic extract of Eugenia Jambolana seed kernel on protective effect of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats was evaluated. Administration of a novel protein to diabetic rats significantly decreased the levels of blood glucose, glycosylated hemoglobin and increased body weight gain and biochemical parameters. The diabetic rats showed the low activities of glutathione peroxides and reduced glutathione content heart tissues which were restored to near normal levels by experimental treatment with protein of Eugenia Jambolana. The increased levels of lipid peroxidation and hydroperoxides in diabetic rats were reverted back to near normal levels after the treatment and restored almost normal microarchitecture of heart which was confirmed by histopathological examination. The present study reveals the efficacy of Eugenia Jambolana seed kernel in the amelioration of diabetes cardiomyopathy which may be attributed to its hypoglycemic property along with its antioxidant potential.



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