
Zorbacı Davranışların Aile Sorunları Bağlamında Psiko-Sosyal Nedenlerinin İncelenmesi

Analysis of Psycho-Social Causality of Bullying in the Context of Family Problems

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Problem Statement: It is significant to research the relations between bullying that is seen in schools and family attitudes, which are accepted to be significant causes of this behavior. The research variables in the study that can be modeled include family attitudes and family behaviors. It is known that especially in the later stages of secondary school, as adolescence period starts and independent personal attempt capacity develops, bullying can be caused by different variables. In this context, it is significant to analyze secondary school students’ bullying, which can become systematic, before starting high school education; it is also crucial to make this analysis in the context of family on the basis of potential causes. Purpose of the Study: Purpose of this research is to analyze family problems in terms of research variables of 7th and 8th grade students’ bullying, the context of authoritarian and dominant attitude in family, insensitivity and inconsistency in relations, inconsistency in mother-father relations, limitedness in social activities, disorder in the home environment, economic problems, indefiniteness in relations, abuse, health and social problems. Method(s): This study is based on descriptive method. 650 students, at 7th and 8th grades in Trabzon city center were included in this study. The students were determined to make bullying or they had tendency to have such behaviors according to the observations of classroom counselor. At the end of evaluations, 240 of these 7th and 8th grade students were placed in Research Group I. Research Group II included 117 students and they were chosen from the schools of students in Group I; these students were chosen 3 years after in order to see the change in tendencies. The study was carried out with a total of 357 students; 102 female students and 255 male students participated in the study. 142 students were in 7th grade while 215 students were in 8th grade. It was significant to have students who were all at the same age level. Students who were 12 months older or younger than their classmates weren’t included in the research sample. Data collection tools: Who is he/she? Scale, personal information form and Youth family problems evaluation scale. Findings and Discussions: Below mentioned results are obtained based on the findings after analyzing 7th and 8th students’ bullying behaviors in terms of family problems. It is determined that authoritarian and oppressive attitudes of families towards children, the family’s indifference, ignoring problems, inconsistent behaviors of family members, inconsistent mother-father relations, health problems in family, negative relations between family and social environment, disorder in home environment and limiting the child’s social life affect students’ bullying. When the results of the study are analyzed, it is understood that tyrannous behaviors scores increase in parallel with the increase in oppressive and authoritarian family attitudes. It is seen that secondary school students, who have high tyrannous behaviors scores among groups, are affected more from family’s authoritarian and oppressive attitude when compared to other groups. Conclusion and Recommendations: It is believed that it is significant to use different variables which can analyze present family profile in the context of different causalities, and to make wider analysis on wider sample groups in the contexts of students’ life conditions apart from their family, interaction-communication models, press and technology tendency and temperament/personality. Workers in the field who are responsible for the developments in school systems and personal/academic developments should discriminate victim/bully in schools very carefully. While researching the resources of students’ bullying behaviors, it is significant to firstly focus on their family relations. As it is known that tyrannous behaviors are mostly seen in students who cannot prove himself/herself at home, it should be known that tyrant students should have environments at school in which they can express themselves. On the other hand, when it is thought that victims are always in the background when compared to tyrannous students, it can be said that studies on family and personality features should be carried out.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu araştırmanın amacı 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencilerinde görülen zorbacı davranışların araştırma değişkenliği olarak ele alınan aile sorunları; ailedeki otoriter baskıcı tutum, ilişkilerde duyarsızlık ve tutarsızlık, anne baba ilişkilerinde uyumsuzluk, sosyal etkinliklerde kısıtlılık, ev ortamındaki düzensizlik, ekonomik sorunlar, ilişkilerde sınırsızlık, istismar-sağlık ve sosyal sorunlar bağlamında incelenmesidir. Araştırma iki farklı çalışma grubunda oluşmaktadır. Araştırma Grubu I Trabzon il merkezinde bulunan 4 ortaokuldan 650 öğrenci arasından zorbalık düzeyine göre seçilen 240 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma Grubu II, Grup I örnekleminin alındığı 4 ortaokuldan zorbalık düzeyinin ortalama değişimini görmek üzere üç yıl sonra seçilen 117 öğrenciden oluşmaktadır. Grup I ve Grup II için toplam örneklem sayısı 357 7. ve 8 sınıf öğrencisidir. Araştırmanın veri toplama araçları araştırmacılar tarafından hazırlanan “Kimdir O?” sınıflama aracı, Bilgi Toplama Formu ve “Gençlik Dönemi Aile Sorunlarını Değerlendirme Ölçeği” (Tuğrul, 1996) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin analizi SPSS Windows 15.0 programıyla gerçekleştirilmiştir. Tanımlayıcı istatistik yanında, Tek Yönlü Varyans Analizi, t testi ve korelasyon analiz teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda 7. ve 8. sınıf öğrencilerinde gözlenen zorbacı davranışların aile sorunlarıyla istatistiksel olarak anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu bulunmuştur. Sonuçlar eğitim ortamı, okul iklimi, psikolojik yardım ve akran istismarı ve alınabilecek aile temelli psiko-sosyal önlemler kapsamında değerlendirilmiştir.



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