
Effects of acetlysalicylic acid with indole-3-acetic acid on rooting and pigmentation in Amygdalus L

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Vegetative propagation is a key step, playing an important role in the succesful production of elite clones. The use of plant hormanes can increase the rroting capacity of cuttings. In this experiment, we investigated whether exogenously applied acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) with indole-3-acetic acit (IAA) (50, 100 mg/L) through the rooting medium could increase effects on Amygdalus spp or not. In the experiment, one year old semihardwood shoot cuttings were used. The highest callus formation was determined on the applied cuttings with 50 mg/L ASA with IAA in all groups. Rooting among the application groups in A. lycioides was observed around 10% in 50 mg/L ASA with IAA treatment group. Pigmentation contents in cuttings were found to be important in a time-dependent fashion.



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