
6061 Aluminyum Alasiminin Surtunme Karistirma Kaynak Yontemi ile Kaynak Edilebilirliginin incelenmesi

Investigation on the Joinability of Al 6061 Al-Alloy Plates with Friction Stir Welding

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study, the microhardness and mechanical properties of welding zones of cast aluminum sheets welded by friction stir welding method have been examined with variable parameters. During welding, rotational speed of the welding stir tool and welding speed were chosen as the variable parameters. A welding tool made of case hardened steel (material number being SAE 8620) was employed in the welding of aluminum plates. Four different welding speeds are considered at constant rotational speed of the mixer tip. Influence of process parameters were investigated by metal-lographic studies and mechanical tests.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu gali§mada surtunme kari§tirma kaynagi yontemiyle birle§tirilen aluminyum dokum levhalarin kaynak bolgelerinin degi§en parametrelerle mikrosertlik ve mekanik ozellikleri incelenmi§tir. Kaynak suresince kari§tirici ucun devir sayisi ve kaynak ilerleme hizi degi§ken parametreler olarak alinmi§-tir. Aluminyum ala§imli levhalarin kaynaginda SAE 8620 malzeme numarali sementasyon geliginden imal edilmi§ kari§tirici ug kullanilmi§tir. Kari§tirici ucun devir hizi sabitken kaynak ilerleme hizi dort farkli degerde segilmi§tir. Kaynakli birle§tirmelere metalografik ve mekanik testler yapilarak i§lem pa-rametrelerinin etkileri ara§tirilmi§tir.



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