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Abstract (2. Language): 
This artcle reports the development and validaton study of tests to assess achievements at three levels of knowledge structure, following the model proposed by Sugrue to measure problem-solving skills. The literature has reported this proposal as a model consistent with the theoretcal constructs underlying problem-based learning (PBL) methodology. The tests were constructed for a General Chemistry course in a curriculum of engineering, which implements PBL methodology at a Peruvian university. The content validaton of the tests was performed, as well as a pilot implementaton with Peruvian students of frst year engineering. The results obtained in omissions percentage, difculty degree, items response patern and the point biserial coefcient (rpb), let us to conclude that these are appropriate tools for assessing these skills, mainly for the purpose of contributng to process facilitaton as well as to future research in this line.



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