
Electrostatic Separation in Recovering the Food from Municipal Solid Waste

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Food waste draws globally attention as one-third of food produced for human consumption is wasted yearly. This means the economic value from limited natural resources such as water, nutrients, land and energy are lost. Consequently the greenhouse gas emissions caused by food waste are emitted inevitably. Disposal of food potentially contributes 22% to the global warming. The waste foods are often mixed by other non-food waste, making them hard to be reused. In this country, the daily food waste has reached 7650 ton since 2002. This figure is forecasted to double up to 13500 ton in 2020, highly due to the lack of food waste recovery system. Throughout this study, we made a novel attempt to assess on recovering foods from the solid waste, which is composed of the food and non-food such as plastic and glass. An electrostatic separator was employed to separate the food from non-food, in where both wastes are prepared as multi-size granules. The recovery efficiency of food can reach 75.9% and 79.8%, from the mixture of glass and plastic, respectively. When being used for the multiple mixture separation, the separator recovers 79.3% of food, showing its feasibility in recycling the food waste and it is environmentally friendly. The study also highlights critical aspects that worth to be considered for reliability and efficiency of the electrostatic separation process, especially for the multiple mixture recovery in real environment.



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