
Correlation of body height with thoracic and lumbar vertebral parameters

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Abstract (2. Language): 
With increasing popularity, there has been dramatic improvement in the way the spinal fusion operations are performed as well as in the fixation devices including the pedicle screws. Success among other factors depends on the accuracy of choice of screw, size of the pedicle and quality of the bone.1 With the recent increased use of various pedicle screw instrumentations, there is concern about injuries to the pedicle cortex, nerve root, facet joint, and adjacent vital structures by discordant pedicle screw size. Fracture of the pedicle may result from the use of relatively oversized screw. It was also observed that larger screw diameters were stronger and gave better results; therefore choice of the screw for the operation is determined by the minimum diameter of the pedicle.



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