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Abstract (2. Language): 
Images of the word, a concept used in a wide range of art and science in the world. Most formulaic metaphors we use in daily life, both on the definition and classification of imaginary ifadelerdir. İmge matters are different opinions and thoughts. For this reason, the image has become a problematic concept. Image, style has an important place in investigations. The style of the poet refers to the power of the original description and narration. Consciously created by the poet's imagery, his style is closely related to the world. The primary concern in the formation of the image to change the meaning of words. The image, along with being a factor used in literary studies, the science of psychology into the subject field. Psychological sense, the image of an object copy in the human mind, are representative. In this case, the formation of the image of the individual feeling and thought, there is the effect of the past. Imagery in poetry, much used in everyday language, the words have different meanings depending on the category amazing and revealed using the original format. Necip Fazil is one of the most important poets of Turkish literature. There is a large image of the world in Necip Fazil trough poetry. He is a poet with regard to creating original master image. Significant transformation in the lives of poets, poetry metaphysical perception and the problems in the cosmic universe is reflected in the imaginary dimension. Religion in general Necip Fazil wrote metaphysic, psychological factors, matter and spirit, conflicts, self problems, women, court and community and so on poems with images of wealth matters. Necip Fazil, one of the most important poems that reveal the artistic conception "Çile" the spiritual transformation process of the individual contrasts are expressed in matter-spirit. Necip Fazil, expresses the right way to unity in this poem. He's looking for the absolute truth, which it sees fit for poetry dwarf would take this goal. The poet's "Ben" poem titled "absolute truth calls" one of the poems reflect the understanding. The narrator in the poem exhibits a spirit detached from society and solitude. In the poem "Ben" in the contrast, the supply of an ontological and psychological structures. Even the narrator in the poem holds himself responsible for the raw sin. The narrator undergoes self-degradation throughout the poem. In a way this poem is reminiscent of the French philosopher Albert Camus's philosophy and hence Sisypos absurd myth. Self, has an important role in the formation of the individual's personality. "If poetry, going to talk about the poet's own self and existence problems will mention another reason? You could say that the Turkish poetry in the most advanced their own adventures that or I me people carrying their own poetry, Necip Fazil. "Necip Fazil to create a balance between the individual's conscious and subconscious in this poem, that is seen as trying to reach self. Necip Fazil, one of the early poem "Serseri", focuses on self-conflict. The poet here "head" brings to the foreground image."Kaldırımlar-I" as the most important images in the poem "sidewalk" We see then. Pavement image creates a sense of expansion with different metaphors throughout the poem. Since the first verse poem "loneliness, fear" themes highlighted. In the fourth stanza of the poem "sidewalk" image, "Mom, people, language" is met with expressions. "Otel Odaları" in the poem titled "hotel" in the image of the loneliness context "sooty lamp, mirror moldy, broken table, dingy hall, attic, nail wounds and give life" is dealt with statements: Necip Fazil one of the images encountered in some of the poems in "mirror" is. Mirror, the poet's spirit world is seen as a reflection of the subconscious. Mirror image of an object that is important clues to the artist's spiritual structure in psychoanalysis. Necip Fazil's "Ateş" in a poem Hz. Abraham expressions reminiscent of the events I shoot disposal takes place. The reason for interest between the fire-flower, is transformed into flowers of Hz. Abraham's fire. Fire burning fire, flames are the use of imaginary sea of phrases. Formed by the sea of flame and furnace in accordance with the requirements of the state of the poet is composed of two identical flower garden, imagine is an utterance. Image is vividly transfer to the outside world what we perceive with our emotions. Image, what we wanted to tell, our thoughts, our dreams with words, pictures, or other expression is transferred to roads. Image is not reached a final decision on the definition, although it is a lot. Some seeing it as the center of the image of our poets, poetry has found some unnecessary images. Image of an expression that is an essential element in poetry is a mirror of the subconscious are also. Only literature, not in art, we refer to the images in our daily life. Minds among us instead to explain in simple words, we can already gained the guise of images, such as a dress clothe assets. Thus we have stated, explained the mysterious atmosphere. Images are not meaningless word units. Image, which is the way to go for the best way to express those in the human imagination. Means that the image of diversity and move on, the poet's imagination, the presence plays an important role in determining the cultural richness. Necip Fazil, after determining the purpose of the poem as absolute truth run like a life in pursuit of a dervish lodges virtually turned into a çilehane was put into a restless quest for the self. His personal tragedy is the fact that all of humanity's problems. Necip Fazil, substance-soul and with all his soul felt the conflict between modernity and metaphysical sense, revealed the thoughts and dreams of the original invention and image. Necip Fazil richness of imagery in poetry world, the most important parts of the expression of the subconscious depths of ten. In this regard, Necip Fazil rich world consists of images in poetry, are very suitable for psychoanalytic investigation. He lives in poetry and in the subconscious of the individual objects and refers to the association of different images created in consciousness.After giving extensive information on this article, we will examine the image of the world in images Necip Fazil trough poetry.
Abstract (Original Language): 
İmge sözcüğü, sanat ve bilim dünyasında geniş bir yelpazede kullanılan bir kavramdır. Günlük hayatta kullandığımız kalıplaşmış metaforların çoğu, imgesel ifadelerdir. İmge üzerinde gerek tanım gerekse sınıflandırma hususlarında farklı görüş ve düşünceler mevcuttur. Bu sebeple imge kavramı bir sorunsal haline gelmiştir. İmge, üslup incelemelerinde önemli yere sahiptir. Üslup, şairin özgün tasvir ve anlatım gücünü ifade eder. Şairin bilinçli şekilde oluşturduğu imgeler, onun üslup dünyasıyla yakından ilgilidir. İmgenin oluşmasında sözcüklerin anlam değiştirmesi başta gelen husustur. İmge, edebiyat incelemelerinde kullanılan bir unsur olmasıyla beraber, psikoloji ilminin de konu alanına girer. Psikolojik anlamda imge, bir nesnenin insan zihnindeki sureti, temsilidir. Bu durumda imgenin oluşmasında bireyin geçmişe ait duygu ve düşüncenin etkisi de vardır. Şiirde imge, günlük dilde pek kullanılmayan, farklı anlam kategorilerine bağlı sözcüklerin şaşırtıcı ve orijinal biçimde kullanılmasıyla ortaya çıkar. Necip Fazıl, Türk Edebiyatı'nda önemli bir yere sahip olan şairlerimizdendir. Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’in şiirlerinde geniş bir imge dünyası vardır. O, özgün imge oluşturma hususunda usta bir şairdir. Şairin hayatındaki önemli dönüşümler, metafizik algı ve kozmik âlemdeki problemler şiirine imgesel boyutta yansır. Necip Fazıl genel olarak din, metafizik alem, psikolojik unsurlar, madde ve ruh, çatışmalar, benlik problemi, kadın, dava ve cemiyet vb. konularda imge zenginliği olan şiirler yazmıştır. Bu yazımızda imge üzerine geniş bilgi verdikten sonra Necip Fazıl Kısakürek’in şiirlerindeki imge dünyasını inceleyeceğiz.



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