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Abstract (2. Language): 
The world's growing demand for energy resources made the Caspian littoral states to accelerate the negotiation process and solve the legal status of the sea. Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed inland body of water on Earth. It has no outflows and is bounded by five states, Russia in the northwest, Iran in the south, Turkmenistan in the southeast and Kazakhstan in the northeast and Azerbaijan in the west. Among these countries Azerbaijan has favorable geographic location; it situates along the historical Silk Road connecting East and West, South and North hemispheres. The legal status of the Caspian Sea became problematic issue after the collapse of the USSR. Till 1991, agreements signed between Iran and USSR regulated the legal status of the Sea. But in 1991 big changes happened in Caspian region. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union five sovereign states came out and demanded new rules for the regulation of the sea issues. Each party has its point of view regarding Caspian sea legal status, but all of them based on the international law. For instance, Iran considered Caspian Sea a lake and demanded 20% share to each one, while other four states say that Caspian is a sea that should be divided with meridian line. However, the three littoral states - Azerbaijan, Russia and Kazakhstan agreed among themselves and signed agreements regarding some issues in the Caspian sea. We can say that these three countries do not have a legal problem. Energy factor hinder the solution of the sea status. In fact, the problem of the Caspian Sea have not been resolved more than 20 years because of some geopolitical factors. It is known that Caspian Sea has rich hydrocarbon resources and important transit opportunities. Major countries being busy with energy production represent western countries and energy resources go directly to western states, which does not serve the interests of Russia and Iran. Russia worried about that Western states become stronger in the region and solve most energy issues. Caspian region is an alternative energy supply region with great potential. In addition, it is no secret that the West tries to buy Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan's gas and oil not through Russia but through the Caspian transit ways. West helped some Caspian Sea littoral states in order to increase the ability of protection and this Western aid attracted the attention of hegemonic states of the region. As a result, in recent years, Russia and Iran intensified their military existence on the Caspian Sea. In this regard, Caspian region is a place where the positions of Iran, Russia as well as Western states intersect. In such situation, it is hard to believe that legal status of the Caspian Sea will be solved soon and Russia and Iran will allow coastal states to export their energy resources freely. Expert on Caspian issues Rustam Mammadov said: “We must not think that there has been real progress. Russia and Iran do not want that Caspian oil and gas is being exploited without them. Therefore, they do not hurry to define the legal status of the Caspian Sea.” However, Russia is interested to bring the positions of coastal states together. Russian government feels great pressure from West and tries to prevent Western states from region by improving relations with coastal states. The issue of the legal status of the Caspian Sea remains unresolved until today. There are some reasons for this. First coastal states have different positions and each of them is trying to gain advantage in this situation. Secondly, super power US and regional powers like Russia, China and etc. have certain interests in the Caspian basin. Turkmenistan and Iran’s positions, impossibility of comprehensive cooperation among coastal states and their impact on regional energy security have been analyzed in the article briefly and clearly. I tried to find answer to some guestions in the article including why the legal status of the Caspian Sea cannot be solved and how it affects energy security of coastal and regional states. Negotiation process which began after the collapse of the Soviet union continues till today. The main progress in this direction were summits held with the participation of the state leaders of the coastal countries. Ashgabat, Tehran and Baku summit and their importance are undeniable. The legal status of the Caspian Sea is a very topical problem today. This unresolved issue has a great impact on other issues. That is why along with Caspian countries other interested parties in the region including regional and international forces should use their opportunities and solve the issue.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Enerji kaynakları için dünyanın büyüyen talebi Hazar Havzasi ülkelerini denizin hukuki statüsünü çözmek için müzakere sürecini hızlandırmaya mecbur etdi. Hazar Denizi Dünya'da en büyük kapalı iç havzasidir. Hiçbir çıkışi yoktur ve bes devletle, kuzeybatıda Rusya, güneyde Iran, güneydoğuda Turkmenistan, kuzeydoğuda Kazakistan ve ve batıda Azerbaycanla çevrilidir. Bu ülkeler arasında Azerbaycan elverişli coğrafi konuma sahiptir; Bu Doğu ve Batı, Güney ve Kuzey yarıkürelerine bağlayan tarihi İpek Yolu boyunca oturtuyor. Hazar Denizi'nin hukuki statüsü sorunu bugüne kadar çözümlenmemiş kalır. Bunun bazı nedenleri vardır. İlk olarak sahil devletleri farklı pozisyonlara sahip ve her biri bu durumdan avantaj kazanmaya çalışıyor. İkincisi, süper güç ABD ve Rusya, Çin ve benzeri bölgesel güçlerin Hazar havzasında belli çıkarları var. Türkmenistan ve İranın pozisyonları, kapsamlı kıyı devletler arasında işbirliği ve bölgesel enerji güvenliği üzerindeki etkisinin imkansızlığı kısaca ve açıkça makalede analiz edilmiştir. Soyet birliğinin çöküşünden sonra başlanan müzakere süreci günümüze kadar devam ediyor. Bu doğrultuda ana ilerleme kıyı ülkelerin devlet başkanlarının katılımıyla düzenlenen zirve gurusleri vardi. Aşkabat, Tahran, Bakü zirvesi ve bunlarin önemi inkar edilemez. Hazar'ın hukuki statüsü meselesi gunumuzde güncel problemdir. Bu meselenin hell edilmemesi birçok diğer meselelere etkisiz ötüşmür. Bunun icin de Hazar ülkelerliyle beraber bölgede ilgisi olan diger taraflar o cümleden bölgesel ve uluslararası güçler kendi kuvvetlerinden istifade ederek meselenin çözümüne ulaşmak zorundadirlar.



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490 Pervane İSLAMOVA
Turkish Studies
International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic
Volume 10/2 Winter 2015
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