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Macrotyloma is Ablessed Pulse for Satna District in Madhya Pradesh India

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DOI: (1):28-35
Abstract (2. Language): 
Macrotyloma an annual herb can be grown in tropical and subtropical area with an average rain fall. It is drought tolerant and makes good growth in area with low rain fall too. The physiology of Satna is very rough, hilly, earlier horse gram tend to be neglected crop, and therefore it is called as poor man pulse. Due to recent research on Macrotyloma it was found that it serves the same proteinaceous value as other pulse grown in Satna, because of dense environment of Satna, it is well grown here. Macrotyloma also has medicinal value for the treatment of kidney stone. Kidney stone or Urolithiasis is one of the most prevailing diseases in Satna. By using its seed regularly, kidney stone can be cured.



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IJART- Vol-2, Issue-1, February, 2017 Available online at
DOI: (1):28-35
Singh et al., 2017
@IJART-2016, All Rights Reserved
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IJART- Vol-2, Issue-1, February, 2017 Available online at
DOI: (1):28-35
Singh et al., 2017
@IJART-2016, All Rights Reserved
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