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Risks Factors Associated with Post-Fire Salvage Logging Operations

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Logging operations are generally listed in the most dangerous work groups since they require very heavy and difficult tasks. Besides, they are performed in varying, unpredictable, and uncontrolled work environment. In Turkey, traditional logging operations with limited usage of mechanized harvesting systems potentially increase occupational health and work safety problems. On the other hand, the logging operations can become even more dangerous during timber salvage activities after fire because regular work conditions dramatically change and work environment may carry different risks in fire-damaged stands. In this study, it was aimed to evaluate risk factors associated with post-fire salvage logging operations considering occupational health and safety problems. By synthesizing previously conducted studies and works, potential risk factors in regular logging operations were presented and then additional risk factors related with salvage logging operations were discussed. Finally, some suggestions were provided to reduce risks associated with post-fire salvage logging operations.



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