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Using comparison by means of ignorance, is not the sign of wisdom Mohammad

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Imamiye jurisprudence while believe on wisdom as the religious rule inference authority, in their jurisprudence basics book, refer and talk about the wisdom while discussing about the book, consultant and tradition and all believe that the religious decision can be achieved by wisdom also. The group of Imamiye jurisprudence, who permit the use of opinion and divine law, discuss around five titles that each includes branches. The first title is discussion around wisdom and its ability to validate religious act when no reason for the act is found in the book, consultant and tradition. The second title is the wisdom necessities and we talk about this point when the religious act performance has the wise proofs and these proofs are not pointed out in time of arranging them but the wisdom orders to its performance or leave. The third title is wisdom proofs. In these reasoning, jurisconsuls try to prove a way in order to find religious act. The fourth title is Tanghihe Manat in which the jurisconsult using some characters of a religious act and describing that in the other similar case, as applicable. The 5th title is understanding the criterion which some of late principles such as Mohaghegh Nayeeni go on it in basic and sometimes jurisprudence discussions and try to see if the act criterion is found through the wisdom. In this research it has been tried to find new results and proofs by a new look to the wisdom topic.



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