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Kuantum Teorisi’nin Sartre’ın Varoluşçuluğu Üzerinde Etkileri

Effects of Quantum Theory on Sartre’s Existentialism

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The purpose of this article is to try to explain which philosophical approaches are affected by quantum theory. Quantum theory has started to take Newton’s paradigm place that is accepted as yet an uncompleted paradigm. This situation not only changed the scientists’ way of perceiving the universe but also changed everybody who has started to lives on the universe that has control over this paradigm. In other words, the change of paradigm affected on all the other types of knowledge and domains. One of the domains is affected on the change of paradigm with the domain is philosophy. The mechanical-determinist perceiving the universe traumatized associated with the quantum theory that was mooted in 20th century. Drastic changes created by quantum theory entailed to reconsider lots of issues especially determinism and free will. On handling and interpreting of the cases in point it is seen that one of the most important philosophical thought movement of 20th century, existentialism’s fundamental thesis –Sartre’s specific to existentialism- jibed with the fundamental assumptions on quantum mechanics. The interaction between science and philosophy from the acceptance of the inevitable movement, In this study, effects of the Theory of Quantum on Sartre’s existentialist philosophy was to determine. This argument was laid to Sartre’s existentialism with Quantum Theory similar aspects between the five items have been pointed out. The first of these impact, with a view to ontological indeterminism principle of existence precedes essence is available. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle advocated the view that there is ontological indeterminism in nature, located in the most basic of Sartre’s philosophy of existence precedes essence is thought to have an influence on principle. In addition to this, the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Theory, the material universe and the human brain “objective probabilities” s presence arguing that supports the existence of free will. Similarly, Sartre by adopting the approach where indeterministic free will is open. Also, in Sartre’s being -the-world- description, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is consistent with the proposed ontological indeterminism. In both approaches, the uncertainty principle is adopted instead of the causality principle, the understanding of probability rather than certainty of understanding are supported. In addition, Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle is seen that the human factor is at the forefront. Indeed, in Quantum Mechanics, Heisenberg the term of nature, meaning emphasizes that according to human factors. Similarly, descriptions of being at Sartre’s “being for self” made a significant way, with the emphasis on the human factor in the foreground. Wave-particle duality and the “being in self” and “being for self” similarity between the concepts of the Theory of Quantum effect on Sartre’s existentialism is another example that can be argued about that. Bohr, particles and waves that are interpreted as two separate views of the same being. Similarly, Sartre the “being in self” and “being for self” to be the same being are defined as two-sided. With this perspective in Sartre’s understanding of being resulting in experiments in Quantum Theory and wave-particle duality is thought that a similarity between opinion. Effects of the Theory of Quantum on Sartre’s existentialism that have an effect on another related example can be shown with the uncertainty arising from a single object “being for self” (freedom) is between the concepts. Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle arising from the uncertainty of a single object on Sartre is thought to have an effect on understanding of freedom. Observation process and and the gaze phenomenon of the similarities between effects of the Theory of Quantum on Sartre’s existentialism that is another example that can be argued about. Sartre inter-subjective communication is assessing gaze of the phenomenon acting. According to Sartre, the “being in self” needs the gaze to become “being for self”. Sartre’s gaze of the phenomenon is similarities Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle encountered in observations with the influance of the observer the observed phenomenon is changing idea. The last example, which show the effect of Quantum Theory on Sartre’s existentialism subatomic world and “being in self” concept is related to. In the Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Theory, subatomic universe is considered to be unknown because in nature there are ontological indeterminism. Similarly, in Sartre’s existentialism the world is a humanitarian, because of the reality depends on projections of consciousness. Thus, in the field ontologically and epistemologically and ethically there are no other world out side of human subjectivity. As a result, there are differences in the methods of science and philosophy. But, both of these issues are basically human in the world and the cosmos is on and in the same age who has a common paradigm it is when addressing these issues is not possible to be affected by each other. Therefore, in this study, the opposite can also be done with an argument. In other words, the effects of Sartre’s existentialism on Quantum Theory consistently shown. However, in this study, effects of Quantum Theory on Sartre’s existentialism determination is preferred.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu makalenin amacı, Kuantum Teorisi’nin hangi felsefi yaklaşımı etkilediğini göstermeye çalışmaktır. Newton paradigmasının yerini, henüz tamamlanmamış bir paradigma olarak kabul edilen Kuantum Teorisi almaya başlamıştır. Bu durum, sadece bilim adamlarının dünyayı algılayış biçimini değiştirmemiş aynı zamanda bu yeni paradigmanın egemen olduğu evrende yaşamaya başlayan herkesin dünyayı algılama biçimi de değişmiştir. Diğer bir ifadeyle, paradigma değişimi bilim alanıyla birlikte tüm diğer bilgi türlerini ve alanlarını da etkilemiştir. Paradigma değişiminden etkilenen alanlardan biri de felsefedir. 20. yüzyılda ortaya atılan Kuantum Teorisi’yle birlikte mekanik-determinist evren anlayışı sarsıntıya uğramıştır. Kuantum Teorisi’nin evren anlayışında oluşturduğu köklü değişiklikler başta determinizm ve özgür irade olmak üzere pek çok sorunun yeni baştan ele alınmasını gerektirmiştir. Söz konusu sorunların ele alınıp yorumlanmasında, 20. yüzyılın en önemli felsefi düşünce akımlarından biri olan varoluşçuluğun -Sartre’ın varoluşçuluğu özelinde- temel tezlerinin kuantum mekaniğindeki temel varsayımlarla örtüştüğü görülmektedir.



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