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This study investgated the learning impact of self-paced learning prototype in optmizing classroom instructon towards students’ learning in Chemistry. Two sectons of 64 Laboratory High School students in General High School Chemistry were used as subjects of the study. The Quasi-Experimental and Correlaton Research Design was used in the study: a pre-test was conducted, scored and analyzed which served as the basis in determining the inital learning schema of the respondents. A questonnaire was adopted to fnd the learning motvaton of the students in science. Using Pearson-r correlaton, it was found out that there is a highly signifcant relatonship between their internal drive and their academic performance. Moreover, a post-test was conducted afer self-paced learning prototype was used in the development of select topics in their curriculum plot. It was found out that the students who experienced the self-paced learning prototype performed beter in their academic performance as evidenced by the diference of their mean post-test results. ANCOVA results on the post-test mean scores of the respondents were utlized in establishing the causal-efect of the learning prototype to the academic performance of the students in Chemistry. A highly signifcant efect on their academic performance (R-square value of 70.7%) and signifcant interacton of the models to the experimental grouping and mental abilites of the respondents are concluded in the study.



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