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Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation through Strategic Waste Management Options

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This paper describes various types of wastes generated in Nigeria, of which about 50 to 70 per cent is organic and the rest recyclables. These wastes contribute to Green House Gas (GHG) emissions and leave a garbage footprint. The waste management practices and procedures used in Nigeria also contribute to GHG emissions and these include transportation using worn out vehicles, open dumping of waste and indiscriminate burning. These contribute to Greenhouse Emissions either directly or indirectly. The existing practices such as open dumping or burning can contribute to methane or carbon dioxide emissions. In addition, waste transportation, reuse, and recycling activities also produce the carbon emissions. It is suggested that depending on the nature of wastes generated, appropriate treatment or disposal methods should be adopted which have low carbon emissions. The high carbon emitting technologies should be avoided through policies, advocacy and developing locally developed viable technologies.



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