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Cooling Vests Wool Fibre for Recovery Activity

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Recovery process is strongly believed to be significant in improving athletes’ performance during and after training. One of the recovery processes is physiotherapeutic. It uses cooling vests. The existing cooling vests around are made of materials such as anti-bacterial treatment, 50% nylon jersey, 50% ultra-fresh PU, and Lining: water wicking polyester fleece. This study was carried out to develop a new model of cooling vests (CV) with protein-based fiber from the wool of merino which is abundant in Indonesia. A lab test was conducted on the fabric to know the absorption of room temperature or the moisture content (MC) and the absorption of the fabric itself or the moisture regain (MR). Method the MR. Results: CV100% (MC: 10.14, MR: 11.26); CV80% (MC: 7.84, MR: 8.51); CV50% (MC: 2.93, MR: 3.02); CV30% (MC: 1.09, MR:1.9), Lining R/T (B) (MC: 7.67, MR: 8.31), Lining R/T (C) (MC: 6.36, MR: 6.79), comfort test was conducted with 22 athletes who were prepared for 2017 SEA Games in Malaysia in Cricket and Pencak Silat sports, using a questionnaire with Alpha Cronbach CV100%: 0.6316, CV80%: 0.7127, CV50%: 0.6451, CV30%: 0.7591. Conclusion: Comfortable level on the developed CV with 100% wool-based fiber is 98%more comfortable than CV with syntactic-wool-based fiber.



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