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Geophysical Investigations for Offshore and Nearshore Structures

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With human growing and demands for the offshore oil and gas, construction and development of the offshore structures are growing. The offshore geotechnical engineering is the application of scientific knowledge and engineering techniques to the investigation of seafloor materials and the definition of the seafloor’s physical properties. Different site investigation and design methods are required for each sea. Geological survey is one of the requirements for identifying ground types (sediment types), describing their characteristics and for assessing their suitability for construction work. It makes use of modern, high-performance geophysical processes, and the results of which must be verified based on direct explorations (drillings). Due to the lack of accessibility to the seabed, geophysical processes are an extremely efficient method to get a general overview of the ground conditions in selected areas within a short period of time and therefore the sediment distribution and tectonic elements are detected in such a manner which enables e. g. the identification of areas with heterogeneous or problematic ground conditions. In this paper different methods of geophysical explorations for the offshore projects are examined and also marine x-band radar systems are well tested to provide information about sea state and bathymetry is investigate.



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ISSN: 2251-8843
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