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Environmental Hydrodynamics Mitigation of Burullus Lake in Egypt

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The objective of this study is to investigates issue related to hydrodynamics in Lake El-Burullus and flow patterns there by using tool for improving the environmental conditions in the surroundings which can assist the decision makers, it was utilized SMS, surface water simulation modeling to calibrated and validated hydrodynamic model. This chapter mainly discusses the data collecting stage and building the methodology followed in the whole study. The data discussed included the hydrodynamic water depth and velocity. The bathymetry of the Lake was preprocessed through SMS-GEFGEN, then the water levels and discharges of the drains were used in the model were preprocessed through TABS-RMA2. Climate of the Lake especially wind vectors and temperature are included as inputs in the TABS -RMA2 model. The next paper the coupled hydrodynamic water quality models procedure was discussed in details.



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