Effect of Different Ground Floor
Height to RC Buildings Performance
Journal Name:
- Dicle Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Mühendislik Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
The importance of studies, researches and
prevention about earthquakes have risen after
destructive earthquakes in the world recently. The
damages of earthquakes increase through
vulnerability of urban and rural building stocks. The
size of earthquakes and the negative structural
features increase the damage amount. To know the
properties of buildings to be negatively affected the
seismic behavior of buildings under earthquakes are
put forward to ensure more serious approaches to
reduce the level of damage risk after earthquakes. In
order to reduce the damages of the earthquakes, the
performance of buildings needs to be determined at
The earthquake safety of existing buildings has
gained considerable importance after earthquakes
occurred in our country especially in the last 30
years. Performance based assessment methods have
been widely used for existing reinforced concrete
The height of the ground floor of the building has
been constructed higher than normal levels for
commercial purposes. In this study, the effect of
changing ground floor height to performance of RC
building was investigated. In this study, the ground
floor height of RC building was selected such as 4m,
5m and 6m and performance calculations were
made for these values.
The selected reinforced concrete frame building has
four stories and each of normal story height is 3m.
The material used in the structure is C30-S420. The
reinforcements used in the beams and columns were
selected as 16.
Columns were selected as 30*50cm, and beams
were selected as 25*50cm. The transverse
reinforcements (stirrups) used in both elements were
selected as 10/10.
Maximum displacement values and deformation
statuses calculated for the X and Y directions for
each different ground floor height.
Static pushover analysis curves for X and Y
directions for different ground floor height were
obtained and compared.
Changing the height of the ground floor was
increased the peak displacement value but structure
base shear value was decreased.
The resulting values are compatible with the
collapse mechanism caused by soft floor.
The size of earthquakes and the negative structural
features have caused an increase in damage extent.
Knowing the properties of buildings that have
negatively effect to the seismic behaviour of
buildings under earthquakes will be put forward to
ensure more serious approaches to reduce the level
of damage risk after earthquakes. Most of the
damaged buildings have not been constructed
according to national earthquake codes.
Knowing the reasons of earthquakes damage is
important to minimize the probable economic and
life loses. Recently modern disaster management
emphasized not only disaster preparedness but also
the importance of disaster prevention.
Negating buildings' earthquake vulnerability means
to render them more durable in the case of a
possible earthquake. In this context, the importance
of building designers' compliance with the
provisions of the regulations concerning building
design gains prominence. In addition, after the
design phase it is essential to conduct the required
and adequate controls during the actual
construction of buildings. In order to ensure that a
project gains both technical and scientific
significance, the sensitivity shown during the
construction phase should be maintained throughout
the whole process of the project.
Weak/soft storey formation should be avoided,
earthquake forces should be carried by partitions
and frequent stirrups should be used in each section
of columns of the floors demonstrating such negative
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Abstract (Original Language):
Genel olarak yapıların zemin kat yükseklikleri ticari amaçlardan dolayı normal katlara nazaran daha yüksek
bir şekilde inşa edilmektedir.
Bu çalışmada örnek olarak seçilen bir betonarme yapı için zemin kat yüksekliğinin değişiminin yapı
performansına etkisi incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada örnek olarak seçilen betonarme bina için zemin kat
yüksekliği 4m, 5m ve 6m seçilmiş ve bu değerlere göre yapının performans hesaplaması yapılmıştır. Elde
edilen sonuçlar karşılaştırılarak öneriler yapılmıştır. Zemin kat yüksekliği arttıkça meydana gelen tepe yer
değiştirme talepleri artmış ancak yapı taban kesme kuvveti azalmıştır. Analizlerden elde edilen yapı çökme
mekanizmaları, depremde yumuşak kattan dolayı oluşan gerçekçi çökme mekanizmaları ile benzeşmektedir.
Depreme dayanıklı yapı tasarımı dikkate alınarak mümkün olduğu kadar eşit kat yüksekliği seçilmelidir. Bu
çalışmada yumuşak kat oluşumuna sebebiyet veren faktörlerden biri olan zemin kat yüksekliğinin etkisi
dikkate alınmıştır.
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