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Today, there are lots of factors changing the habit and attitude of consumer. This condition which is especially effective on consumer preferences has differentiated the shopping habit of consumer. It is among the known facts that businesses which serve in line with the consumer demands present new practices each passing day. Technology’s gradual acceleration and advertisements especially havechanged the habits of consumer. In this resulting table, these factors which change the attitudes and behaivors of consumer have also differentiated the producer and seller strategy. Therefore, many businesses give service as directed to today’s conditionsor consumer demands. When we look at the gradually increasing city population, we can observe the appearance of some differences concerning the shopping preferences. There are a number of literatureresearches concerning this matter. Especially big shopping malls “AVM”s and supermarkets give more extensive service to their customers. Within these services, there existsa product range not only for food products but also for various fields like construction market, furniture, technological products. However, consumer had to provide all of these productsand the service from various fields from seperate places in the past. Today the situation is quite opposite. Such factors as commercials, surrounding, price, brand and access which are thought to have the maximum effect on consumer preferences are changing the shopping habit of consumer. Shopping malls, supermarkets, markets and retailers in the region where consumers are affect these shopping preferences positively or negatively. In this study, a research was carried out regarding the shopping habit and the consumed product range ofindividual market consumer acting with the purpose of meeting daily shopping needs especially in today’s conditions. The research was carried out on the market which was preferred as a sample within Bakırköy region in the city of Istanbul. Shopping behaviors of consumer in that region were tried to be determined from the weekly product sales list and accounting records of the market. Moreover, earnings of the market and the benefit financially provided by it in line with the customer behavior and consumption were analyzed by making product classification. The analysis of data was carried out by using cluster weka software program. As a result, it has been concluded that working class does shopping in the evening and at the weekends, promotions and discounts increase the customer loyalty.



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