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Immediately after its independence, Kyrgyzstan made its political choice to move from the central planned economy to the open market economy. This political and economic change has been reflected in Kyrgyzstan's tax system. A new tax system has been established by modeling the countries that have highly developed liberal economy. However, the expected success could not be accomplished in this process because the needed transformations in the county's socio-economic structure could not have been made. The new tax system that was consisted of the translated tax laws of the developed countries did notfit the society which was already suffering from many problems such as immature institutions of the open market economy, decreasing living standards of the nation due to the economic crises, unemployment, deterioration of the production sector, low national income, disproportionate distribution of income, slow state bureaucracy inherited from the former USSR ( The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics) claims of corruption and failure of the people to adapt to the new system. Consequently, when data obtained by the survey is evaluated, it is not possible to conclude that the taxpayers have a positive attitude toward tax.



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ISSN:1694 – 528X Sayı: 4 Ekim – 2004
İktisat ve Girişimcilik Üniversitesi – Türk Dünyası Kırgız – Türk Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Celalabat – KIRGIZİSTAN
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