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Punicic Acid Induces Endothelium-Dependent Vasorelaxation in Rat Thoracic Aortic Rings

Parinarik Asit Sıçan Torasik Aort Halkaları Endotel-Bağımlı Damar Gevşemesi Neden Olur

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible mechanism by which pomegranate seed oil causes vasodilatation in isolated thoracic aorta rings form the rat. Material and Methods: The isolated rat arteries were cut into rings and placed in tissue chambers filled with Krebs solution. Results: Pomegranate seed oil produced a concentration-dependent relaxation in rings with endothelium. However, it didn’t cause any relaxant effect in the absence of endothelium. L-NAME and ODQ produced a significant inhibition in the rings with endothelium. Subsequent addition of L-arginine reversed the inhibitory effects of L-NAME. However, the relaxant effect of PSO did not change with tetraethylammonium, 4-aminopyridine and glibenclamide, in rings either with or without endothelium. Additionally, the relaxant effect of PSO was not affected by indomethacin, propranolol, losartan or captopril incubation. In another set of experiments rats were anaesthetised and surgically equipped with intraperitoneal radio-transmitters to record blood pressure in vivo. PSO caused a slight decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure along with mildly decreased heart rate. Conclusion: These comprehensive findings clearly indicate that vasorelaxation is induced by PSO via modulation of nitric oxide-guanylyl cyclase pathway.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Amaç: Çalışmanın amacı, nar çekirdeği yağı izole aorta halkalarında, vazodilatasyon sıçan oluşmasına neden olan olası mekanizmayı araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: İzole sıçan arterler halkalar halinde kesilmiş ve Krebs çözümü ile dolu doku odalarına yerleştirildi. Bulgular: PSO, endotel ile halkalarda konsantrasyona bağlı bir gevşeme üretti. Ancak, endotel olmadığında, herhangi bir gevşetici etkiye neden olmadı. L-NAME ve ODS, endotel ile halkalarda önemli oranda önlenmesini sağlar. L-arginin sonraki ekleme L-NAME önleyici etkilerini tersine çevirdi. Bununla birlikte, PSO'nun gevşetici etkisi ile ya da endotel olmayan ya da halkalarda, TEA ile 4-AP ve glibenklamid, değişmedi. Buna ek olarak, PSO'nun gevşetici etkisi indometasin, propranolol, losartan ya da kaptopril kuluçkalama ile etkilenmemiştir. Deneyler farelerin başka grup anestezi uygulandı ve cerrahi olarak, in vivo olarak kan basıncını kaydetmek üzere intraperitonal radyo vericisi ile donatılmıştır. PSO hafif birlikte sistolik ve diyastolik kan basıncında hafif bir düşüş kalp hızı azalmış neden. Sonuç: Bu bulgular kapsamlı açıkça hipertansif hastalarda nitrik oksit-guanil siklaz yolunun modülasyonu yoluyla PSO tarafından uyarılan olduğunu göstermektedir.



Objective: The aim of the present study was to investigate the possible mechanism by which pomegranate
seed oil causes vasodilatation in isolated thoracic aorta rings form the rat.
Material and Methods: The isolated rat arteries were cut into rings and placed in tissue chambers
filled with Krebs solution.
Results: Pomegranate seed oil produced a concentration-dependent relaxation in rings with
endothelium. However, it didn’t cause any relaxant effect in the absence of endothelium. L-NAME and
ODQ produced a significant inhibition in the rings with endothelium. Subsequent addition of L-arginine
reversed the inhibitory effects of L-NAME. However, the relaxant effect of PSO did not change with
tetraethylammonium, 4-aminopyridine and glibenclamide, in rings either with or without endothelium.
Additionally, the relaxant effect of PSO was not affected by indomethacin, propranolol, losartan or
captopril incubation. In another set of experiments rats were anaesthetised and surgically equipped with
intraperitoneal radio-transmitters to record blood pressure in vivo. PSO caused a slight decrease in systolic
and diastolic blood pressure along with mildly decreased heart rate.
Conclusion: These comprehensive findings clearly indicate that vasorelaxation is induced by PSO via
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