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Asbestos ve İzole Plevral Renal Hücreli Kanser Metastazı Arasındaki Olası İlişki

The Probable Relation Between Asbestos and Isolated Pleural Metastasis in Renal Cell Cancer

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The most common site for metastasis from renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the lung parenchyma (50% of patients), followed by the skeleton (20% to 50% of patients). It is well known that RCC has a tendency to create atypical metastases (1, 2). Pleural lesions are infrequent and metastasis is usually associated with parenchymal lung lesions. Pleural metastasis without involvement of the lung parenchyma due to primary renal tumors is infrequent in the literature. If this happens, the main characteristics of metastasis in RCC are multiple lesions that are mostly in a nodular pattern and well demarcated (3). Whether or not the patients priorly diagnosed with RCC may represent with atypical metastasis in every stage of the disease. Asbestos is common in less developed countries and it can lead to increased risk and mortality of renal cell carcinoma (4, 5). Unfortunately along with the increased frequency of asbestos lead to causes late recognition of metastatic disease.



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