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Türk Eğitim Sisteminde Toplumsal Katılımı Sağlamak İçin Bir Model Önerisi: Yerel Eğitim Şûrâları

A Model Proposal for Ensuring Social Participation in the Turkish Education System: Local Education Councils

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Problem Statement: Bringing in a less centralized structure to the Turkish education system, which is managed with a strictly centralized approach to achieve social participation in the education and more effectively utilizing local opportunities are topics that have been intensely discussed over the last two decades. As a result of the global developments and the problems faced by the Turkish education system, many scientific studies were carried out considering these pursuits and decisions for ensuring and localizing social participation to education were taken in the meetings of the National Education Council and as part of Development Plans. In fact, in recent years also legislative amendments in this context were brought in. Despite all of these effors, there is still reluctance in question for implementing these attempts of localization. In this study a model of Local Education Councils is proposed as a transition implementation that will enable the removal of hesitation of different social segments in terms of localization in education and the enhancement of local corporate capacity by considering the practical experiences of the NationalEducation Councils. Purpose of the Study: The purpose of this study is to reach a model that will enable social participation in the Turkish education system and mobilize local opportunities. With this model, resolution of the main problems faced by the TurkishEducation system will be facilitated. These problems are listed as the spread of education to the grassroot level, minimization of development differences between regions, setting realistic targets in education, ensuring equal opportunities in education access, reflection of regional cultural and geographical riches to education, ensuring social participation in planning and managing education, increasing financial sources for education, utilization of local possibilities in education, finding fast, proper and economic solutions and increasing supervision and accountability in education. Method(s): In this study, a model was developed within the frame of the data, determinations and suggestions obtained in consequence of literaturereview. Findings and Discussions: The problems faced by the Turkish education system in consequence of its strictly centralized management are listed as the spread of education to the grassroot level, minimization of development differences between regions, setting realistic targets in education, ensuring equal opportunities in education access, reflection of regional cultural and geographical riches to education, ensuring social participation in planning and managing education, increasing financial sources for education, utilization of local possibilities in education, finding fast, proper and economic solutions and increasing supervision and accountability in education. Social participation in education is the most widely accepted solution suggested in order to overcome these problems. Conclusions and Recommendations: This study proposes a Local Education Council model in order to find local solutions to local problems and to meet local demands with local possibilities. Local Education Councils will be materialized in line with the principles of representation capacity and equality in participation and with the participation of local educational institutions, local nongovernmental organizations, local professional associations and opinion leaders. The council will meet once every three years for seeking the solutions for the education related problems of the region with local possibilities. The data obtained from Local Education Council meetings will also form the agenda of the National Education Council meetings suggested to be held once in every three years. In organizing Local Education Councils challenges such as lack of human, financial and corporate capacity, lack of a cooperation culture and difficulty in managing psycho-social perception may be faced. It will be necessary to be faithful and consistent particularly in the early years in order to overcome such challenges and ensure the functionality of Local Education Councils. Local Education Councils can be a model that will be implemented in order to remove the hesitations of several social segments on localization in education. On the other hand, Local Education Councils will also present robust opportunities for ensuring the social participation in the pursuits of localization in education and for analyzing and developing local corporate capacity.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Türkeğitim siteminin daha az merkeziyetçi bir yapıya kavuşması,eğitimde toplumsal katılımın sağlanması ve yerel imkanların daha etkin bir biçimde kullanılması son 20yıldır yoğun bir biçimde tartışılmaktadır. Küresel gelişmelerin ve Türkeğitim sisteminde karşı karşıya kalınan sorunların bir sonucu olan bu arayışlara ilişkin birçok bilimsel araştırma yapılmış ve MilliEğitim Şuralarında ve Kalkınma Planlarında eğitimde toplumsal katılımın artırılması ve yerelleşmenin sağlanması konusunda kararlar alınmıştır. Hatta son yıllarda bu yönde mevzuat değişiklikleri de yapılmıştır. Buna rağmen yerelleşme çabalarının eyleme geçirilmesinde bir çekingenlik söz konusudur. Bu çalışmada MilliEğitim Şuralarının uygulama deneyimlerinden yolaçıkılarakeğitimde yerelleşme konusunda farklı toplumsal kesimlerin tereddütlerinin giderilmesi ve yerel kurumsal kapasitenin artırılmasını sağlayacak bir geçiş uygulaması olarak YerelEğitim Şuraları modeli önerilmektedir.



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