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AGSL Ud Eğitimine Yönelik Kadın Ud Eğitimcilerinin Görüşlerinin İncelenmesi

Study of Woman Oud Trainers’ Opinions Directed to Oud Training in Anatolian Fine Arts High Schools

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Abstract (2. Language): 
In Turkey, in the professional (vocational) institutions offering education in music, (Agsl) the view on education of the women educators teaching oud, training oud how effective they are, what kind of differences are they in the education of women and men , how successful they are in training oud artist, applied methods and techniques, students' perspectives (against women educators lute), their view on oud education, training deficiencies in the oud education, oud education methods and point of views of the others on female educators teaching oud is the main aim of this research. Method(s): In the research, in the professional (vocational) institutions offering education in music (Agsl), the interview of oud female educators training oud education, and the survey interview (open-ended) method were applied. The survey method was sent to all the female oud educators whom we were able to reach. The method of mutual negotiation was applied to the female oud educators whom we were able to reach in the extent of financial facilities. Results: Today, women educators oud providing education in Anatolian Fine Arts High Schools submit studies and exercises which they have developed to give more technical training in addition to verbal and non verbal written works by using currently written method and adapting the other instrumental methods like Suziki accepted internationally. In the oud education, female oud educators have thought of the necessity of giving melodic and technical studies at the same time through all the training. Thus, there will be a progress in parallel. In women and men because of the physical properties, it is necessary to use different teaching methods. During training, which female oud educators have given, this conclusion has been reached that they have given the education based on innovations and methods which enable students to make progress. Conclusions and Recommendations: In this survey, it is seen that music teachers have used many methods such as Torun, Gülçin Yahya, Cinuçen Tanrıkorur during the Oud education. When the methods used are analyzed, it is determined that resources for the training of oud are not enough and more work needs to be done. In the methods used in the education of the Oud, verbal and instrumental works is more, while Ütüd is seen to be less. Therefore, in the study which will be done, more studies must be given importance; even new methods containing the work based on only studies should be prepared. in the oud education given in the school, due to physical insufficiency of the female oud students before starting to play and in the period of work, they must do more finger exercise that male students. As a result, they will take a good education by overcoming the physical shortcomings. The Works given during the training is limited by each teacher’s repertoire In Anatolian Fine Arts High Schools, it is necessary that all of the oud educators must come together to give systematic oud education, renew all of the curriculum and in all of the school, the education based on certain system must be given.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Müzik eğitimi gelişmeye açık kültürel değerlerine önem veren bireylerin ve toplumların yaşantısında etken bir unsur olarak yer almıştır. Ülkemizde müzik eğitimi; amatör, mesleki ve genel müzik eğitimi olarak üç farklı adlandırma altında fakat birbiriyle doğrudan ilişkili olarak sürdürülmektedir. Bu çalışma, Türkiye’de Anadolu Güzel Sanatlar Liseleri’nde ud eğitimine yönelik kadın ud eğitimcilerinin, ud eğitiminde ne kadar etkili oldukları, erkeklere göre eğitimde ne tür farklılıkları olduğu, uyguladıkları yöntem ve kullandıkları teknikler, öğrencilerin bakış açıları ve düşünceleri, eğitimdeki eksiklikler, kullanılan kaynaklar ve çevrenin bayan ud eğitimcilerine bakış açılarının belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmanın sonunda elde edilecek verilere ulaşabilmek için görüşme formu tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın ud eğitimine yönelik alanlarında yapılan çalışmalara katkı sağlayacağı ve alanında özgün bir çalışma olduğu düşünülmektedir.