Condition of Elementary Schools in Terms of Instrumental Social Support Care and Learning Needs of Parents (Province Case of Manavgat)
Journal Name:
- Amasya Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
Purpose of the Study: This research aims to find out the condition of public
elementary schools in Manavgat, Antalya in terms of instrumental social
support care and the learning needs of parents about this issue.
Method(s): Method(s): The universe of this research that is in screen model
comprises public elementary schools in Manavgat. Data was collected from
10 primary schools parent sample selected through stratified sampling. In
data analysis, frequency, percentage and chi square techniques were used
Findings and Discussions: It is identified that almost all of the parents have
has positive support for informing their children. However, it is understood
that the number of parents that do not give enough intrumental social support
to their children and the parents that do not give any support to their children
require learning needs about social support.
Conclusions and Recommendations: Most of the parents play games with
their children. It has been understood that parents who do not play or rarely
play games with their children need to learn about the positive effects on
physical and psychological development of the child caused by game. It has
been determined that more than half of the parents watch television with their
children. It can be suggested that the period of watching television does not
exceed at most 10-12 hours a week. All of the parents give pocket-money to
their children. Nevertheless, almost half of them do that every day and one third of them do that once or twice a week. It has been found that there is a
significant difference between income state and frequency of pocket-money.
Only 94 of the parents attend the parents’ meeting at school. More than half
of the parents have not replied the question about this topic. The obstacles
which caused parent participation shall be determined by the school
administration and these obstacles should be eliminated. More than half of
the parents have stated that mothers attend the parents’ meeting. This result
shows that mothers are more interested in children’s school work than
fathers. A great majority of parents remark that they play game with their
children. This is positive in terms of instrumental social support. Because, it
is thought that parents’ playing games with their children contributes to the
physical and psychological development of the children. However, parents’
watching television for long hours with their child is negative in terms of
social support. Because, allocated time to television and parents involvement
which have direct or indirect effects are variables in student achievement.
Other guidable and flexible time variable that suspected with the effect on
achievement is watching television. A great majority of parents remark that
they take tours and do sport activities with their children. This is positive in
terms of social support. Because, if parents do activities such as sports and
tours with their children, it is thought that these activities will provide
significant contribution to children’s and young’s education and
development. According to the results of chi-square analysis conducted in
order to identify the effect of the economic situation based on parents giving
pocket-money to their children, it has been discovered that according to
economic situation, there is a difference at the level of 05. As the economic
situation changes, it has been determined that the distribution of the replies
given to this question also changes. According to the results of chi-square
analysis conducted in order to identify the effect of the economic situation
based on parents’ participation in parent meetings in school, it has been
discovered that according to economic situation, there is a difference at the
level of 01. As the economic situation changes, it has been determined that
the distribution of the replies given to this question also changes
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Abstract (Original Language):
Bu araştırma, Antalya İli Manavgat İlçesinde araçsal sosyal destek
bakımından kamu ilköğretim okullarının durumunu ve velilerin bu konudaki
öğrenme gereksinmelerini saptamayı amaçlamaktadır. Tarama modelinde
olan bu araştırmanın evreni Manavgat ilçesinde bulunan kamu ilköğretim
okullarında öğrencisi bulunan velilerden oluşmaktadır. Araştırma 2010- 2012
eğitim-öğretim yılında Antalya ili Manavgat ilçesi merkez kamu ilköğretim
okullarında öğrencisi bulunan 384 öğrenci velisi ile gerçekleştirilmiştir.
Veriler 10 ilköğretim okulunda öğrencisi bulunan velilerden tabakalı
örnekleme yoluyla seçilen veli örnekleminden toplanmıştır. Verilerin
çözümlenmesinde frekans, yüzde ve ki kare tekniklerinden yararlanılmıştır.
Velilerin neredeyse tamamına yakınının çocuklarına araçsal sosyal destek
konusunda olumlu davranışlar içersinde olduğu belirlenmiştir. Ancak
azımsanmayacak ölçüde yeterli desteği sağlamayan veli bulunduğu ve
bunların araçsal sosyal destek konusunda öğrenme gereksinmesinin olduğu
anlaşılmıştır. Velilerin çocuklarıyla birlikte uzun saatler televizyon izlemeleri
araçsal sosyal destek bakımından olumsuzdur. Ebeveynlerin çocuklarıyla
birlikte haftada 12 saati geçmeyen televizyon izlemeleri önerilmektedir
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