The Implementation of Competition Law in the Air Transport Sector
Journal Name:
- Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi
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Abstract (2. Language):
The competition rules are applied in the transportation sector in European
Union due to the fact that liberalization process has started. The competition law is
applied in order to support the liberalization process. As a result of the liberalization, a
free and honest competition has increased between airline companies. Similarly, the
liberalization process in the air transportation sector has also started in Turkey. Because
of liberalization, the competition has increased. Therefore, the competition law has
become a current issue in Turkey.
The aim of this study is to analyze Competition law rules that is implemented in air
transportation both in European Union and Turkey and to determine differences and
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Abstract (Original Language):
Avrupa Birligi’nde hava tasımacılıgı sektöründe rekabet kurallarının uygulanması
liberallesme sürecinin baslamasıyla olmustur. Rekabet hukuku liberallesme sürecini
desteklemek için kullanılmıs ve havayolu isletmelerinin serbest ve dürüst rekabeti
saglanmıstır. Türkiye’de de liberallesme sürecine girilmesiyle havayolu isletmeleri
arasındaki rekabetin artması rekabet hukukunu gündeme getirmistir.
Bu çalısmanın amacı Avrupa Birligi’nde ve Türkiye’de hava tasımacılıgına uygulanan
rekabet hukuku kurallarının incelenmesi, farklılıkların ve benzerliklerin ortaya
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