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Rule Of Law: A Modus Vivendi Or An Imaginary Relationship

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Human individual is a determined being that natural and social determinants coalesce in a manner to set up multifarious influences, to greater or smaller extent upon personal structure. Many years ago, with a precious scrutiny, some anthropologists like Kardiner (Kardiner et al., 1945: 24-35) and Linton (1945: 129) per- suasively argued that personality structure is an accomplishment of social structure. Apart from anthropological studies, the history of civilization reveals us the same opinion that all civilisation pro- cess is a combination of a series of artefact constraints in a way to shape peculiar desiderata of given civilisation and consequentially found up personalities corresponding with natural instincts and drives of human being and of concomitant with past beliefs or other cultural traits (Freud, 1964). Since, human being is not a blue print of external stimuli, but human personality is a yielded outcome of interactive work of impulses, external drives and human mind, operates to that extent to whom assessment. When we scrutinise human societies, which are modelled either in a simple form, de- void of systematic pressure apparatus held by statecraft and all its constellations, or more complicated pressure technologies of civilisation, human individual is configured by manifold effects of impulses, stimuli and pre-established cultural patterns which es- tablish modes of thinking and performing human conduct.



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