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Building Institutional Capacity to Withstand Bullying In Policing Organisations: A Cross Country Comparison

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Like many other organisations and agencies, police effectiveness has been inhibited by bullying. However, there are two specific aspects to police work that make policing organisations vulnerable to bullying. First, police work is often a high stress occupation involving such stressors as: high levels of role conflict; poor community relations and the resulting negative behaviours to police by members of the public; and a work environment characterised by intricate and complex rules and procedures. Second, there is considerable literature regarding the distinctive nature of police sub-cultures that are often associated with attitudes, beliefs and behaviours conducive to the emergence of bullying behaviours.This study’s ambition is to explore the characteristics, implications and outcomes of bullying in Australia and to connect this with results from a survey undertaken with police in Bursa, Turkey. This study, by comparing what is known about bullying in police organisations across these different contexts, explores the question of how unique policing actually is as an occupation, and the extent to which these characteristics increase the likelihood of bullying. By comparing policing and instances of bullying across two countries, each with their own histories and cultures, this study sheds light on the detrimental effects of bullying in policing organisations. The important question of relationship between management capacity to suppress bullying and the broader legislative and legal frameworks available can not be answered directly by this work. However, it is hoped that this research supports and prompts future research designed to address this question.



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