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Effects of Soil Properties and Botanic Composition on Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungus (AMF) from Gramineae Family Plants

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Abstract (2. Language): 
Mycorrhizae is the term used to describe the mutualistic associations between specizalized fungi and roots of higher plant. Numerous plants strongly depend upon mycorrhizae for optimal growth. Studies of mycorrhizae are unsufficient in rangeland in Turkey. The aim of the present study is to establish interrelationships between AM colonization status with the physico-chemical properties of the soil and botanic composition.To achieve these objectives, rhizosphere soil samples from Gramineae family plants were collected in June and July 2010. Soil samples were taken for determination of several soil characteristics. In addition, vegetation analyses were carried out. AMF was determined that 64% plants colonized by variable range (7.14%-41.38%) of arbuscularmycorhizal fungi and established symbiotic relationship. Glomus genus was determined as fungal symbiont of all root samples. The rangeland soils were characterized by high organic matter, high total nitrogen, low electrical conductivity and low lime content. At the present day arbuscular mycorrhizal inoculation must use in range rehabilitation. However, information on the AMF potential in our rangeland is still lacking. Therefore, this study would provide fundemental information on range rehabilitation studies in degraded rangeland ecosystems of Western Black Sea region. Also, this study contributed to the AMF map of Turkey for Bartın.



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