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Landscape character analysis that has added to agenda of Turkey with European Landscape Convention in 2003 has important role determining interaction between protected areas and rural settlement areas. Despite protected area and rural settlement areas have affected as the social, economic and cultural aspects of each other, they have affected as spatial one another. In this study, the spatial interaction between the protected area and rural settlements is intended to identify with.landscape character analysis approach In this study, context of landscape character analysis perspective, land survey and literature studies have been realized. Obtained data have been evaluated being used mapping and modeling programs (like Geographic Information System, AutoCAD, NetCAD, 3Dmax, Global Mapper, Lumion). As a result of modeling and analysis, settlement type analysis, interactions analysis between land use and forest area, landscape diversity analysis and population analysis, landscape character of villages which are on the periphery of Bartın-Kastamonu Küre Mountains National Park have been identified. Effect of identified landscape character type on natural area has been guestioned in the context of the landscape fragmentation.



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