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Playgrounds are so effective for the children’s social, sensual, cognitive and physical development. These grounds, if they wouldn’t designed in significant criterias, they can cause hurtings and injuries that affects child’s development negatively. In this study, Barış Manço Children’s Playground, located in Çankırı and as specified for the kids aged between 0-7, and the physical properties of the game elements on the playground were analyzed by TSE (Turkish Standards Institution) safety standards, were assayed for standards compliance. USCPSC (U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission) standards were included the study, because TSE standards don’t have criteria in terms of discriminations in the age of the children and playground site selection. Besides, in this study, it was examined that other outfit equipments, plants on the area and playground’s maintenance status in terms of safety. At the end of the study, 78% of playground equipments were determined that not suitable for TSE standards. In accordance with the results that are obtained, suggestions have been made in terms of landscape architecture.



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