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Abstract (2. Language): 
In this study the determination of the species related to Elateridae family in Turkish forest ecosystems and the evaluation of these species according to their host plants are aimed and 110 species belonging to 34 genera (Adelocera, Adrastus, Aeoloderma, Agriotes, Agrypnus, Anostirus, Ampedus, Athous, Brachygonus, Calais, Cardiophorus, Crepidohorus, Dicronychus, Dolopius, Drapetes, Drasterius, Ectamenogonus, Elater, Elathous, Haterumelater, Hemicrepidius, Ischnodes, Lacon, Limonius, Melanotus, Mulsanteus, Nothodes, Peripontius, Pittonotus, Prosternon, Quasimus, Reitterelater, Synaptus ve Tolphorea) of Elateridae in total have been determined. In addition to this, information on their distribution in Turkey, plants on which insects collected, endemism, sampling methods and perspectives for further researches have been given.
Abstract (Original Language): 
Bu çalışmada Türkiye ormanlarında saptanan Elateridae familyasına bağlı türler ve ilişkide oldukları bitkiler ele alınmış olup, 34 cinse (Adelocera, Adrastus, Aeoloderma, Agriotes, Agrypnus, Anostirus, Ampedus, Athous, Brachygonus, Calais, Cardiophorus, Crepidohorus, Dicronychus, Dolopius, Drapetes, Drasterius, Ectamenogonus, Elater, Elathous, Haterumelater, Hemicrepidius, Ischnodes, Lacon, Limonius, Melanotus, Mulsanteus, Nothodes, Peripontius, Pittonotus, Prosternon, Quasimus, Reitterelater, Synaptus ve Tolphorea) bağlı 110 elaterid türünün Türkiye orman ekosistemlerinde var olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Ayrıca bu türlerin Türkiye’deki yayılışları, endemizm durumları, örnekleme yöntemleri konusunda bilgiler verilerek, bundan sonraki dönemde bu konuda neler yapılabileceği belirtilmiştir.



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