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İslam, Hıristiyanlık ve Köleleştirilmiş Afrikalılara Yapılan Dinsel Zulmün Tarihi

Islam, Christianity, and the History of Religious Perse-cution of Enslaved Africans

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Abstract (2. Language): 
The transatlantic African slave trade spanned over four centuries, and stands as arguably the most horrific event in record-ed human history. Not as often discussed in the slavery conversa-tion, however, are the realities of religious oppression Africans faced during this era. This article discusses the religious oppression Africans faced as slavery was imposed upon them pre-1776, the freedoms – or lack thereof – afforded to them under the Bill of Rights, and the effects of that religious oppression on successive generations leading up to and beyond the Civil War. The article describes how a deprivation of religious freedom, and not slavery alone, has stifled Black Americans from achieving their full poten-tial.
Abstract (Original Language): 
The transatlantic African slave trade spanned over four centu-ries, and stands as arguably the most horrific event in recorded human history. Not as often discussed in the slavery conversation, however, are the realities of religious oppression Africans faced du-ring this era. This article discusses the religious oppression Afri-cans faced as slavery was imposed upon them pre-1776, the free-doms – or lack thereof – afforded to them under the Bill of Rights, and the effects of that religious oppression on successive generati-ons leading up to and beyond the Civil War. The article describes how a deprivation of religious freedom, and not slavery alone, has stifled Black Americans from achieving their full potential.