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We understand KM (Knowledge Management) as a strategic process to promote, create and transform the competitive capacity in all kind of organization through diverse knowledge representations. Due to theory development of KM that it has been transform as an emerging discipline. That is closely linked with the telematic technology because it makes possible to operate the KM process. If we observe a network research as an organizational complex system the capacity to appropriate, develop and to use technology allow breaks the disciplinary limits of its functional structure. However, we observed the need to transform the disciplinary action scheme to develop that capacity, especially in Mexican researcher, teachers and students in the social sciences sphere. We had considerate that this transformation can be done by KM processes. We explain the transformation process of action scheme based in the Constructivist Theory. We used the methodology perspective of the organizational complex systems for the construction of a KM conceptual model. The results of the empirical research showed us the technological capacity that had been develop when we introduced KM process in the functional structure of a research network of social sciences academics in Mexico City.



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